
Monday, August 25, 2008

God will provide

1st Samuel 9 - 10

Background was that the Isrealites want a eathly king and asked Samuel to choose for them.

Saul was chosen. Physical looks: a head above the rest, young..perhaps the kind of kind the Isrealites hoped for.
But through the passage, we realise that Saul was not confident nor street wise. Factors maybe because of his low standing of Benjamites in Isreal. Nevertheless, God chose Saul, and brought Saul to Samuel through mundane ways--finding the lost donkeys.
Passage was written in details..which shows us the extent of Saul's insignificance..

God too had planted a seed in Saul's heart.
1st Samuel 9: 10 " "I am the seer, " Samuel replied. "Go up ahead of me to the high place, for today you are to eat with me, and in the morning I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart."

Eventually, despite Saul's insignificance etc..he became king.

1. God moves ahead of you.
God is at work behind the scenes, preparing the way.
God's timing.
We must walk by faith and doors will be open in God's timing, and rely on His ability for the role set up on stage for you.

2. God starts a vision and a dream.
He plants a seed in our heart.
Fulfillment of what is desired in the heart.
Do we accept or reject it?

3. God's call may always seem to be 'too big' for us to handle.
Truth is God knows what he is doing. It is by grace that we are chosen.
Grace --> knowing what stupid things I had done and will do and yet still picks me.
God speaks to one person. An individual and plant it in his heart.
It passes on from that one person like a fire.
A vision, a call to follow. Share the dream Open door and confirm cal to you. And encouragement.

4. God will confirm the call
Just as how Saul's call was confirmed by Samuel.

5. God will anoint you.
To fulfill His call. God's spirit in and through us. Spirit of God will lead and guide us, break down strong holds. Power and effectiveness God provides.
1st Samuel 9: 9 "As Saw turned to leave Samuel, GOd changed Saul's heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day."

Hold on to the dream and wait for God's timing. Believe that God will be faithful. Heart.

6. But there will be opposition.
skeptical views and get you to give up the dream.
But we need to speak the dream and share the passion.
Don't let the dream die and nsecurity eat you up.

The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart.

Go all out. Allow God's call and God's timing and His annointing.
Let God lead you.
Be bold, taking steps of faith.
Leave the baggage of the past that drags you down.
Learn from the past and forgive as you receive fogiveness.
You are where you are for that call. Only you can answer the call.

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