
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

About the puzzle

Were you all interested about the puzzle?
We were given 2 pieces of puzzle during love singapore.

Monday. 11th August'08
"Lets talk about lovesingapore. The first time Joshua and I worship God together. Initially, as we were reaching Expo, I was like excited, yet nervous. Nervous cause I wonder if we could do this together. And while worshipping in the beginning, I got self-conscious. Then I told myself. It is about God and I. Not Joshua and I. Don't get distracted. Focus. Focus on God. During the prayer meeting, we prayed for the foreign workers and our government. Foreign workers. I always viewed them as foreign somehow. But on that very day, I was taught to see all of us as equal. Not be prejudice against them. We kneeled down and I prayed. Just between God and I. Prayed for forgiveness. Prayed that I would treat them as equal. Not only during mission trip that you 'act' as equal. Out there we go in the name of 'mission' and naturally we will change our behaviour. But back at home, all those second-rating thoughts come back. Which should not be the case. And so I prayed. And thank God for teaching me such a lesson.

And there were the puzzle pieces. Reminded me of our puzzle pieces. The twp puzzle pieces that fit perfectly with eac other. And when I looked at Joshua. I had the assurance that he was the one. My partner in life. God's blessing to me. Telling me, he is the one. That assurance and certainty filled my whole-being. Thank God for that. I needed it. Felt so secure. I'm no longer myself, on my own. But now, it is us-God, me and Joshua. We are one, united in this relationship. And so, I took his hand. Held on to it as we sang the 'closing song', worshipping God together. It was not awkward. What's the word for it..we could just be ourselves."

Something I learnt. That a relationship, fir in this case a couple relationship, it is not just between the couple. It is between the Joshua, me and God.

OK i gottat go for lunch with my mum le

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