
Monday, August 25, 2008

the start of my Birthdays

Thank You Guys!
I'm really touched. I had my first birthday celebration on the 22nd August'08. It was a surprise and i was not expecting it. I thought it was just a gathering, where we will go and chill and stuff. But..I really thank you guys for all your effort.
To know that we remember. So glad for having friends like that. =)

I was really surprised especially when I saw the picture on the cake. It is so cute! And that is going to be my present on its way to Singapore. Extremely touched. Haha, well, they had no idea that it can't be found in Singapore. Cause I myself have been looking for it over mini Singapore island for a long time. Thank you so so much! =)
And on sunday, 24th August'08, I received my second present from Auntie Judy and Uncle Tony. Initially, I was wondering why did they pass me a bag of something. What is it? Did I lend anything to them? And they told me it is for my birthday. It is a book called Promises from God for Today. Well, I was feeling pretty blue that day and had tears cause I was feeling sad. You know why. But thanks for your encouragements.

Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and courageous, Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

But you know what? I've found encouragement too! I don't know how but as I was reading Psalm 32, it was like 'ting ting ting'. I can rejoice! Because of God's unfailing love, I can still rejoice even in times of hardship. Actually, really, I think I was being shortsighted and kept dwelling on the issue and failed to see that I have a almighty God with me. Almighty you know. Means, everything is in control you know what I mean? Is quite hard for me to explain the 'ting ting ting' realisation I had but I hope you kind of get the point.

Oh I like this photo! We are advertising for Ice Mountain!

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