
Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm still learning

I'm still working on it. Cause the picture is too big. and the alignment is still not good yet and stuff but i just had to change it today though it is not all good cause i just want to see something new and some 'results' since i have been spending quite some time on it which makes my eyes go blur and stone after awhile.

Haha. Anyway, lets talk about service. Just a small part. When uncle tony said what was on the 8th of august, i was almost like shouting love singapore. A prayer meeting at expo. And, well, the answer he was looking for was beijing olympics. He was talking about celebrations and how long people take to prepare for celebrations and ask us how long do we take to prepare ourselves every sunday for worship. Anyway, what i'm trying to say wonder i do not know and have not been to love singapore before. Cause, no one knows. Ok..the people sitting around me have no idea. And when I said love singapore they were like what is that? is about the churches coming together to pray for the nation. Yup.

Joshua and I went for it. My first time. I have no idea about it too, until Joshua told me about it. It was crowded with many people. We prayed for foreign workers in Singapore, and apologise to the representatives for how we mistreated them. And i must admit that i do not treat them with equal status with Singaporeans. But all of us are still created in the likeness of God. You know?

So ok, Miko needs to go soon. I shall continue this post later about the puzzle given to us and the short time of worship Joshua and I had yesterday. tata. =)
But Thank God so so much for yesterday like really. I'm so relief. =)

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