
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My off day-Tuesday. actually is every tuesday.

Hey people! Guess what i did today? hmm..well, i sleep all the way until 1pm. hah. cause needa catch up with my sleep. really imperative. i mean, is like petrol of a car. needs petrol to move. something like that. Anyway, the only reason why i finally got out of bed was because i got a call from my own house. It's my mum. asking me to eat out cause they-cheryl and claris were gonna make ic for claris then have lunch. then i said huh..and told her that i just wake up. She was so shock as she thought that i had work today..yupz.."why you still sleeping? why not at work?" Kinda weird talking on the telephone when both of us were at home. So anyway, the 4 of us went to make ic for claris. after that, we went to bugis junction to have lunch. hmm..At Terra i think. I had lamb chop, mummy ribeye, cheryl and claris had lagsane. And cheryl ordered this really weird tasting drink call honey lime green tea. well, you can taste all of them individually alright. the lime, the honey and the powdered green tea. yup. powdered. so as e were waiting for the arrival of our food, here are some pictures. And claris wasn't looking at the camera. Messaging.
Clearly, she is really occupied by her HP.

Whoever the person must be pretty important to her.

So enough of her. Mummy and I
After Lunch,claris was really tired. so right..she returned home while mummy, cheryl and i went to Bugis Street to walk walk. For pretty long. Yupz.
Oh! the Banana Java Chip drink from starbucks!
You see right, there was this person giving out free small cups of Banana Java Chip and so i went ahead to take it since i was thirsty. I mean after walking around Bugis street. But before that, we did get drinks but you know since it was free..And mumy saw me taking so she also go and take despite having a drink in her hand.

See! Mummy holding 2 drinks! Happily. But after like tasting a mouth, she was like yucks! it's coffee! Duh..Starbucks how can it not be coffee? and really, she doesn't know. so in the end, i have to drink 2 cups of Banana Java Chips. haha..was pretty alright lah. the first sip was, what combo is this?! after a few more sips, you kinda get use to it. and it starts to taste better.

Holding the starbucks drink proudly

Happy with our buys. My first cup.

This is the second cup that mummy doesn't want.

Haha! got another free cup!

Finished. Yummy!

Oh! If you are windering why i took this photo..look closer.

LEROY! Reminds me of leroy. Oh yes! my baby is coming back soon! so excited! really can't wait for him to be in my arms again. Baby, i miss you so much!!
Anyway, after that , we had to catch for the bus 80. But thankfully, the traffic light was red and so..the bus still stayed at the bus stop. Just enough time for us to catch it. Phew!

Oh this, mummy likes to play games in HP while travelling. In car, in bus. yarz.

Ok! you must be wondering why i put this photo down. well, this is cheryl's new shoes! 15 bucks! From Bugis street!

Cheryl's t-shirt.

My t-shirt.
it is a 2 for 15 bucks.

Lastly, a shorts. from girls dreamland. 29.90. Also from bugis street!
Thanks mummy for the presents! hah! : )

Monday, May 28, 2007

My Baby Called!

My baby called! Finally! i mean i have absolute no contact with him at all ever since he went to Brunei to serve the country. One SMS is not counted! i mean, no voice. For all you know it is someone else messaging to prevent me from knowing any mishaps that happen to him along the way. Plus it was not his HP number! So i'm really glad to hear his voice today. Actually, tonight. When i heard his voice for the first time in like after more than 10 days, I was like "Am i dreaming?" it was a beautiful thing. To know that he is alright and misses me. hearing his hoarse and rugged voice especially after 9 days some where out there in the Jungle of Brunei.

The bad news is that, he is only coming back as in reach the airport at 2a.m on thursday. hmm, if i'm not wrong, before they left, they said was 1a.m on wednesday! I thought i can see him soon but somehow, they took away my one day and one hour away from him just like that again. Baby, i'll still be waiting for you de. Take care of yourself alright. Losing 7kg just like that is terrible. Can't imagine if it was me. I'm already so skinny and trying my best to eat more, build some muscles. Losing 7kg? Hmm.then i will be 38kg. Gosh that is like super under weight! oh my eat more eat more ok!

Driving- the one stamp instructor.

The one stamp insrtuctor. Can you belive it! I got him for the 4th time! Argh! the moment i saw him, my entire mood just spoilt. Initially, i thought getting a car 144 confirm wouldn't be him cause his car is 130 or 131 but why why why! There are so many instructors and i must keep getting him! I think i'm being followed. And when i saw him, my face changed. And of course he felt something. He was like why? not happy to see me? And i was like huh? but in my mind i was shouting why why why!!!Argh! Sian half. I mean if i get the chief instructor to teach me like as many lessons in a row also can. I would be glad to but him?!

Why i don't like him? or prejudice against him? Number one. He is the one stamp instructor. At least that's what i call him cause it is the truth for me. I mean just teaching the reaction response thingy. One stamp. hello?..i wouldn't need a 100min lesson to just teach me that. Of course he did like 'went through' the things i learnt but why doesn't he puts another stamp to say i revise already? Number two. He has this irritating comment which i personally do not like. "minus points you know!.." ( and he drags the word) I mean i know it is beneficial for me to learn but i think he really needs to rephrase his expressions. Other instructors will be like you shouldn't do this. You should have done this instead. I mean they emphases more on the correct technique than the minusing points part. And it is less irritating and easier for students like us to learn. And i like the way the chief instructor teaches. Cause he would 'bravo' the student when i do something right. Rather than emphasing on the negative all the time and when do something right no comments. Like in his head saying 'ok, so you got it right'

Sounds very childish right the way i'm saying. Like hello, how old i am le still want people to teach you like child like that. But you know i believe that everyone will develop their potential and learn faster like that. You do want to get recognize for the things you did right. Sometimes, couples like to whine to each other, to be chong3 by each other right? but of course the whining and chong part does not apply to driving of course. If not something is teribly wrong! You get my point right.

Number 3: With one stamp instructor, i can hardly drive beyond 40km/hr. i think he has speed phobia, maybe got into some accident like that, that's why. Somehow, when driving, i will feel that someone is stepping on the brakes. So whenever he instructs me. I know, my "Speed Limit". SLOW.

my results out!

Hah guess what?! My results are out out out!
Yes finally the wait can end.
I got 2 Satisfactory for Biology and Genes. Can you believe it? i mean considering that i have no slightest idea about anything since i'm a Sec 2 Bio standard. I mean what do you learn for sec 2 standard?
hmm..anyway, i really wanna thank my 2 greatest science teachers! They are Iz and Josh. Hah. Not my lecturers. Oh they must be disappointed..anyway they don't have any clue who am i anyway..
In any case thanks Iz and Josh! These are the best teachers to teach blur people like me who have no clue what is going on and are so patient and kind enough to answer my stupid questions and explain all the processes which are not tested yet needed to understand what the crap is going on in the stuff i'm learning. And most importantly they speak simple english people like me can understand. So great thanks! Oh looks like the both of you will be touched when you read this. So gotta help more people ok?

Anyhow, the rest of course got grades as i didnt SU them. Wel, B- for Japanese Studies. Seriously, i hate essay writing when it comes to having reading other books and then somehow argue your way and make it your own. I'm like, can't my idea just pops out of the blue moon? Oh well, anyway i totally hate it cause it involves lots of work. It is not the skill we are actually getting but rather the information we are getting to write our essays. I mean Sociology, at least you learn the theories and see what is happening and apply the theory. Lots of work. why? Well, i'm easily influence when i read books and like will be influenced by their writing style. Hence, i really cannot write an essay after immediately reading the stuffs i need. I gotta put them in point form and a few days later revise when they impression is not deep in my mind, then i can write an essay that is my style and would not involve something call plagerism. (which you can get expelled for by the way)

As for Japanese Language that gives me headache at times, i got a B! i'm pretty happy about it. At least it is a 'go' sign for me to continue to the next leve of Japanese Language. Then hopefully by the time i graduate, i can watch Japanese movies in their native language! How cool is that!. If only my uni teaches Korean language too.

Hmm, lastly but not least, Theatre studies! I got a B+ for that one which pull my cap up to 3.25!!!! Eh, i know some of you must be like hello, there are so many people who get above 3.5 and 4.0 lah as cap. Why am i so happy over this? Cause seriously, i don't think i'm uni material. I should have went to poly instead. I think. But as you know, i have no idea what to do and needa postpone the decision making right. So i went to JC and in my prospective, suffered pretty badly. Seriously. When i took my last A level paper, i told myself i will never ever take A level ever again! No matter how badly i did. I rather go to poly instead. Yar, it was too much for me to handle. The stress level was to the max. Talking about stress level, the most stress paper was actually theatre studies. Cause i looked through the past year papers and i had no clue what the questions were asking. Is like it looked like a one sentence answer to me but we were to write an essay about it. But at least i got B+! the highest grage i have ever achieved ever since i entered JC. Yupz. I haven't seen an A for 3 years and more..but is ok! It is for education purpose. As long as i learn something. Hah, i keep telling this to keep my mind positive. The good thing is that it is working!

But i do hope to improve myself continuously. Yupz! : )

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Presents for claris!

Setting off! Waiting for parents..

the Birthday girl!
Still waiting for dad.

mummy reached.
Garuda restaurant at Hereen.

dad and mum

i don't know why but she just like to make that face.

spicy food!!!

Well, today cheryl, claris, dad, mum and i went to Hereen to get claris her birthday present! hah! like finally..and cheryl was complaining that her birthday got no presents..but it is like kinda long due. Feb. Sorry the next time ba. oh! but mine is coming! you know you know..August.



As they always say it is the waits that kills, The agony. AHH! oh my gosh! my results are coming! how how how?! plus i'm afraid that i won't do well. Plus what is my major gonna be!
I'm in deep trouble am i? someone help me!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Birthday? or Study day?

Oh my gosh. I really have nothing to say.. Do i? or do i have lots of things to voice out?
Today is Claris's birthday. Yet no birthday cakes from parents nor presents. Please, this is the least you can do but no..more stuff. Lots of 'nagging' to study. I mean the way i saw claris in tears. I really can't take it anymore! it is just after exams and moreover is her birthday! GIVE HER A BREAK! Mummy don't think that she nags but if you do hear the way she drags her word, the nagging efect is really there. I mean the way you speak your words do have lots of impact on the child. Don't mummy too have her days when she was schooling, not getting good results and almost retained? I can't imagine being claris..

"Study" must be her most hated word now. Actually, study is also my most hated word. Well, that explains me studying all kinds of things! Cause i hate every subject i study! Everytime i have to study a subject for exam, i will start to dislike that subject. That includes piano and violin. Trumpet? Nah. You see, there is a difference between performing and having exams. so trumpet doesn't count.

Alright, mummy also 'nags' about me not knowing what i want. I get her point. Studying pure science in secondary school, History and Econs in JC (a little secret, i swear to myself to never ever take history ever again when i was in Sec 2 and some how i got myself to history for 2 years in another words don't swear), then now, i'm in university, i took a biology module, a subject that i have no contact with at all ever since sec 2. And my mum was like "what are you doing?" And as you know i really have no idea what to major in. The timing is not right. That's what i have to say. Nevertheless, i have to make up my mind soon.

Oh well, so now claris is tearing as she studies and i kinda finish venting my frustration, how do i conclude this day?


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Family Lunch!

It has been ages since my family had lunch together or any meal together and it is great that we finally can sit together to have a meal. Well, usually, it is i with my boyfriend or 大姐with her boyfriend or dad working overseas or claris with her own stuff. cheryl? she usually stays at home so no problem with her. my mum too.

So anyway, we had lunch today at changing appetitez recommended by claris. haiz, but i didn't bring my only managed to take like 2 shots with cheryl's hp.

Oh! and i'm really glad that today's piano playing, children talk and sunday school worship went pretty well. Somehow, i would have someone supporting me and accompanying me. like how Dorothy said that she was playing the pads, Shannen singing during sunday school worship, actors who help me in the children talk-AMOS, Jason, Iz, Shannen, Joy. Yupz. Great thanks! although it may seem like nothing to you all at all. But really thank you all!


Saturday, May 19, 2007


Firstly, i would like to thank Iz for helping me with my blog issues and everything. Seriously, Iz is such a kind and helpful friend. And to my 大姐 too! for attaching the tag board! so please do, please do tag something there.

Secondly, big baby just called me and said that my baby got into NUS Business! : ) hmm, is this good news? eh..well, the good news is that he got into a business course. The alright news is that it is a 4 year honors..anyway, lets see if NTU or SMU would accept him not. IF NOT they will be missing out on such a bright talent!

Thirdly, i'm glad that i'm not the only one playing the piano for tml's worship but i have people accompanying me like WL on the guitar and AMOS on the drums. If not..i would be extremely stressed out and it would mean mistakes everywhere. So really thank you guys. : )


Friday, May 18, 2007


This morning i went with mummy and 大姐 to Pungol for facial. Initially i thought was just some washing and masking of the face. was more than that! My face got squeezed to get rid blackheads and 'oil seeds'? never heard of that term before. Anyway because of that, my easily bruised nose now have blueblack and my face have some 'red spots'. That's what they call it. But i call it wounds!!!!My poor face. Went into extreme torture and pain. I really do hope the 'red spots' will disappear after 2 days. (like they said)

But, must we actually squeeze to get all those thingy out? Isn't there any other way? It freaking hurts can..i don't even dare scratch my face and today..somehow i led a beautician 'scar' my face. Would it actually leave on marks? Not now of course but you know as you age..these mini scars will become obvious. Will it? Really gotta take care of my face. So next time when there is some offer or something and i happen to go for facial face wouldn't face the squeezing part again. Yupz.

The reason why we went for facial is because it was on offer. 3 person for 128? Around there lah. Only applicable for 1st timers.

Anyway, plus points for the session was a face massage and eyebrow shaping! It was pretty good. Soothing music and a fresh herbal tea after the session. In total, an hour long of relaxation and some torture concludes the session.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ahka Hill Tribe Friends

Hmm, these are some of our Ahka hill tribe friends that have flown all the way to S'pore quite some time ago but just that i have yet to set up this blog yet so..yarz. So great thanks to cheryl for helping me out with this blog! : ) Anyway at the back left is our missionary Goh's wife and himself. He was the one who went up to the hills by himself and set up a training centre for them, helping the kids, and youths a place to stay at the centre and get education. Send them to school and teach God's word. Yupz. So basically, he had dedicated his life in helping them out. Oh Oh Oh! gotta write this down. He needed 65000 to set up another hostel and his prayer was answered!. Someone just wrote a check of 65000 for the building of the hostel! How cool is that!

Here are a few photos of our last mission trip to the Ahka Hill Tribe.
There are about 70 plus children and teens in the centre and seriously, they are very discipline. When we first reached the training centre at night, everyone was already asleep. So, we get into our bunk and sleep. And in the morning there was like some kinda 'Fire drill' early in the morning at 5am. I was stunned. The sky was still pitch dark and you can hear multiple footsteps gathering together for worship and prayer. But of course i didn't know then. So i just went back to sleep. I thought it was some secondary school fire drill like we use to have here in S'pore. Anyway, they are really kind and hospitable people too, giving us the best food and everything..feel like instead of us helping them, it is like the other way round..
We held a Christmas party for them, but if only we knew their language then communication would't be a problem. Anyway, some of them do know how to speak Chinese! and a bit of English language. Are you impressed? Well, That you have to give thank to our missionary Goh for that!

As you can see im wearing a windbreaker. It is really super cold up there. Plus there wasn't any heater! Shower was like some kind of 'torture' as it was freezing cold. I had to bathe like 3 times a day. One for the hair, second for the body and third for the legs. But our guys-bk, iz and stan are crazy. They wake up extremely early in the morning just to take the coldest shower.

Well..That is our dentist checking their teeth, plucking out the decayed me, not a good sight.

And there were actually people queing up to pluck out their teeth!

Just wondering when will we go back there again.

Iz hint hint.. kinda like need a planner..