
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

My off day-Tuesday. actually is every tuesday.

Hey people! Guess what i did today? hmm..well, i sleep all the way until 1pm. hah. cause needa catch up with my sleep. really imperative. i mean, is like petrol of a car. needs petrol to move. something like that. Anyway, the only reason why i finally got out of bed was because i got a call from my own house. It's my mum. asking me to eat out cause they-cheryl and claris were gonna make ic for claris then have lunch. then i said huh..and told her that i just wake up. She was so shock as she thought that i had work today..yupz.."why you still sleeping? why not at work?" Kinda weird talking on the telephone when both of us were at home. So anyway, the 4 of us went to make ic for claris. after that, we went to bugis junction to have lunch. hmm..At Terra i think. I had lamb chop, mummy ribeye, cheryl and claris had lagsane. And cheryl ordered this really weird tasting drink call honey lime green tea. well, you can taste all of them individually alright. the lime, the honey and the powdered green tea. yup. powdered. so as e were waiting for the arrival of our food, here are some pictures. And claris wasn't looking at the camera. Messaging.
Clearly, she is really occupied by her HP.

Whoever the person must be pretty important to her.

So enough of her. Mummy and I
After Lunch,claris was really tired. so right..she returned home while mummy, cheryl and i went to Bugis Street to walk walk. For pretty long. Yupz.
Oh! the Banana Java Chip drink from starbucks!
You see right, there was this person giving out free small cups of Banana Java Chip and so i went ahead to take it since i was thirsty. I mean after walking around Bugis street. But before that, we did get drinks but you know since it was free..And mumy saw me taking so she also go and take despite having a drink in her hand.

See! Mummy holding 2 drinks! Happily. But after like tasting a mouth, she was like yucks! it's coffee! Duh..Starbucks how can it not be coffee? and really, she doesn't know. so in the end, i have to drink 2 cups of Banana Java Chips. haha..was pretty alright lah. the first sip was, what combo is this?! after a few more sips, you kinda get use to it. and it starts to taste better.

Holding the starbucks drink proudly

Happy with our buys. My first cup.

This is the second cup that mummy doesn't want.

Haha! got another free cup!

Finished. Yummy!

Oh! If you are windering why i took this photo..look closer.

LEROY! Reminds me of leroy. Oh yes! my baby is coming back soon! so excited! really can't wait for him to be in my arms again. Baby, i miss you so much!!
Anyway, after that , we had to catch for the bus 80. But thankfully, the traffic light was red and so..the bus still stayed at the bus stop. Just enough time for us to catch it. Phew!

Oh this, mummy likes to play games in HP while travelling. In car, in bus. yarz.

Ok! you must be wondering why i put this photo down. well, this is cheryl's new shoes! 15 bucks! From Bugis street!

Cheryl's t-shirt.

My t-shirt.
it is a 2 for 15 bucks.

Lastly, a shorts. from girls dreamland. 29.90. Also from bugis street!
Thanks mummy for the presents! hah! : )

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