
Monday, May 28, 2007

Driving- the one stamp instructor.

The one stamp insrtuctor. Can you belive it! I got him for the 4th time! Argh! the moment i saw him, my entire mood just spoilt. Initially, i thought getting a car 144 confirm wouldn't be him cause his car is 130 or 131 but why why why! There are so many instructors and i must keep getting him! I think i'm being followed. And when i saw him, my face changed. And of course he felt something. He was like why? not happy to see me? And i was like huh? but in my mind i was shouting why why why!!!Argh! Sian half. I mean if i get the chief instructor to teach me like as many lessons in a row also can. I would be glad to but him?!

Why i don't like him? or prejudice against him? Number one. He is the one stamp instructor. At least that's what i call him cause it is the truth for me. I mean just teaching the reaction response thingy. One stamp. hello?..i wouldn't need a 100min lesson to just teach me that. Of course he did like 'went through' the things i learnt but why doesn't he puts another stamp to say i revise already? Number two. He has this irritating comment which i personally do not like. "minus points you know!.." ( and he drags the word) I mean i know it is beneficial for me to learn but i think he really needs to rephrase his expressions. Other instructors will be like you shouldn't do this. You should have done this instead. I mean they emphases more on the correct technique than the minusing points part. And it is less irritating and easier for students like us to learn. And i like the way the chief instructor teaches. Cause he would 'bravo' the student when i do something right. Rather than emphasing on the negative all the time and when do something right no comments. Like in his head saying 'ok, so you got it right'

Sounds very childish right the way i'm saying. Like hello, how old i am le still want people to teach you like child like that. But you know i believe that everyone will develop their potential and learn faster like that. You do want to get recognize for the things you did right. Sometimes, couples like to whine to each other, to be chong3 by each other right? but of course the whining and chong part does not apply to driving of course. If not something is teribly wrong! You get my point right.

Number 3: With one stamp instructor, i can hardly drive beyond 40km/hr. i think he has speed phobia, maybe got into some accident like that, that's why. Somehow, when driving, i will feel that someone is stepping on the brakes. So whenever he instructs me. I know, my "Speed Limit". SLOW.

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