
Sunday, May 20, 2007

Family Lunch!

It has been ages since my family had lunch together or any meal together and it is great that we finally can sit together to have a meal. Well, usually, it is i with my boyfriend or 大姐with her boyfriend or dad working overseas or claris with her own stuff. cheryl? she usually stays at home so no problem with her. my mum too.

So anyway, we had lunch today at changing appetitez recommended by claris. haiz, but i didn't bring my only managed to take like 2 shots with cheryl's hp.

Oh! and i'm really glad that today's piano playing, children talk and sunday school worship went pretty well. Somehow, i would have someone supporting me and accompanying me. like how Dorothy said that she was playing the pads, Shannen singing during sunday school worship, actors who help me in the children talk-AMOS, Jason, Iz, Shannen, Joy. Yupz. Great thanks! although it may seem like nothing to you all at all. But really thank you all!
