
Monday, May 28, 2007

My Baby Called!

My baby called! Finally! i mean i have absolute no contact with him at all ever since he went to Brunei to serve the country. One SMS is not counted! i mean, no voice. For all you know it is someone else messaging to prevent me from knowing any mishaps that happen to him along the way. Plus it was not his HP number! So i'm really glad to hear his voice today. Actually, tonight. When i heard his voice for the first time in like after more than 10 days, I was like "Am i dreaming?" it was a beautiful thing. To know that he is alright and misses me. hearing his hoarse and rugged voice especially after 9 days some where out there in the Jungle of Brunei.

The bad news is that, he is only coming back as in reach the airport at 2a.m on thursday. hmm, if i'm not wrong, before they left, they said was 1a.m on wednesday! I thought i can see him soon but somehow, they took away my one day and one hour away from him just like that again. Baby, i'll still be waiting for you de. Take care of yourself alright. Losing 7kg just like that is terrible. Can't imagine if it was me. I'm already so skinny and trying my best to eat more, build some muscles. Losing 7kg? Hmm.then i will be 38kg. Gosh that is like super under weight! oh my eat more eat more ok!

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