
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy Birthday? or Study day?

Oh my gosh. I really have nothing to say.. Do i? or do i have lots of things to voice out?
Today is Claris's birthday. Yet no birthday cakes from parents nor presents. Please, this is the least you can do but no..more stuff. Lots of 'nagging' to study. I mean the way i saw claris in tears. I really can't take it anymore! it is just after exams and moreover is her birthday! GIVE HER A BREAK! Mummy don't think that she nags but if you do hear the way she drags her word, the nagging efect is really there. I mean the way you speak your words do have lots of impact on the child. Don't mummy too have her days when she was schooling, not getting good results and almost retained? I can't imagine being claris..

"Study" must be her most hated word now. Actually, study is also my most hated word. Well, that explains me studying all kinds of things! Cause i hate every subject i study! Everytime i have to study a subject for exam, i will start to dislike that subject. That includes piano and violin. Trumpet? Nah. You see, there is a difference between performing and having exams. so trumpet doesn't count.

Alright, mummy also 'nags' about me not knowing what i want. I get her point. Studying pure science in secondary school, History and Econs in JC (a little secret, i swear to myself to never ever take history ever again when i was in Sec 2 and some how i got myself to history for 2 years in another words don't swear), then now, i'm in university, i took a biology module, a subject that i have no contact with at all ever since sec 2. And my mum was like "what are you doing?" And as you know i really have no idea what to major in. The timing is not right. That's what i have to say. Nevertheless, i have to make up my mind soon.

Oh well, so now claris is tearing as she studies and i kinda finish venting my frustration, how do i conclude this day?


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