
Monday, May 28, 2007

my results out!

Hah guess what?! My results are out out out!
Yes finally the wait can end.
I got 2 Satisfactory for Biology and Genes. Can you believe it? i mean considering that i have no slightest idea about anything since i'm a Sec 2 Bio standard. I mean what do you learn for sec 2 standard?
hmm..anyway, i really wanna thank my 2 greatest science teachers! They are Iz and Josh. Hah. Not my lecturers. Oh they must be disappointed..anyway they don't have any clue who am i anyway..
In any case thanks Iz and Josh! These are the best teachers to teach blur people like me who have no clue what is going on and are so patient and kind enough to answer my stupid questions and explain all the processes which are not tested yet needed to understand what the crap is going on in the stuff i'm learning. And most importantly they speak simple english people like me can understand. So great thanks! Oh looks like the both of you will be touched when you read this. So gotta help more people ok?

Anyhow, the rest of course got grades as i didnt SU them. Wel, B- for Japanese Studies. Seriously, i hate essay writing when it comes to having reading other books and then somehow argue your way and make it your own. I'm like, can't my idea just pops out of the blue moon? Oh well, anyway i totally hate it cause it involves lots of work. It is not the skill we are actually getting but rather the information we are getting to write our essays. I mean Sociology, at least you learn the theories and see what is happening and apply the theory. Lots of work. why? Well, i'm easily influence when i read books and like will be influenced by their writing style. Hence, i really cannot write an essay after immediately reading the stuffs i need. I gotta put them in point form and a few days later revise when they impression is not deep in my mind, then i can write an essay that is my style and would not involve something call plagerism. (which you can get expelled for by the way)

As for Japanese Language that gives me headache at times, i got a B! i'm pretty happy about it. At least it is a 'go' sign for me to continue to the next leve of Japanese Language. Then hopefully by the time i graduate, i can watch Japanese movies in their native language! How cool is that!. If only my uni teaches Korean language too.

Hmm, lastly but not least, Theatre studies! I got a B+ for that one which pull my cap up to 3.25!!!! Eh, i know some of you must be like hello, there are so many people who get above 3.5 and 4.0 lah as cap. Why am i so happy over this? Cause seriously, i don't think i'm uni material. I should have went to poly instead. I think. But as you know, i have no idea what to do and needa postpone the decision making right. So i went to JC and in my prospective, suffered pretty badly. Seriously. When i took my last A level paper, i told myself i will never ever take A level ever again! No matter how badly i did. I rather go to poly instead. Yar, it was too much for me to handle. The stress level was to the max. Talking about stress level, the most stress paper was actually theatre studies. Cause i looked through the past year papers and i had no clue what the questions were asking. Is like it looked like a one sentence answer to me but we were to write an essay about it. But at least i got B+! the highest grage i have ever achieved ever since i entered JC. Yupz. I haven't seen an A for 3 years and more..but is ok! It is for education purpose. As long as i learn something. Hah, i keep telling this to keep my mind positive. The good thing is that it is working!

But i do hope to improve myself continuously. Yupz! : )

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