
Saturday, May 19, 2007


Firstly, i would like to thank Iz for helping me with my blog issues and everything. Seriously, Iz is such a kind and helpful friend. And to my 大姐 too! for attaching the tag board! so please do, please do tag something there.

Secondly, big baby just called me and said that my baby got into NUS Business! : ) hmm, is this good news? eh..well, the good news is that he got into a business course. The alright news is that it is a 4 year honors..anyway, lets see if NTU or SMU would accept him not. IF NOT they will be missing out on such a bright talent!

Thirdly, i'm glad that i'm not the only one playing the piano for tml's worship but i have people accompanying me like WL on the guitar and AMOS on the drums. If not..i would be extremely stressed out and it would mean mistakes everywhere. So really thank you guys. : )


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