
Friday, September 26, 2008

Hello Car.

No hard feelings about my first impression of you right? Just that it was funny the first time I sat in it cause, my mind's image is different from the one I was sitting in cause of the wrong colour thing, it felt like I was sitting in the wrong colour. So, anyway, just developing feelings for it now. haha. Ok, so, anyway, in the car, I had a thought. I was thinking that I don't consider myself as Joshua's girlfriend. The first thing that come into my mind when asked what is my relationship with Joshua. Sweet Heart. That's all. Why did I think of that? Well, cause while applying the supplementary cards, they always ask what is your relationship to Joshua ma. Then, I always had to pause for awhile before I write it down as girlfriend. It does not come automatically. But SweetHeart does comes automatically and I wanted to write it down. But that would be the 'wrong' answer right? So as I was just thinking and thinking, I decided to ask Joshua what's my relationship to him and he said, "SweetHeart".

Well, what do I make of it? Girlfriend is like a status. SweetHeart is something different. SweetHeart means something to Joshua. Joshua treasures me. So, may I always be a SweetHeart to Joshua. =) ok.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Advice on buying cars

Joshua finally had his new car! But guess what?! It is not the colour he ordered!
And Both of US had a shock when we reach there.
Bought a car and they gave us the wrong colour.
And you know what they said, there is nothing they can do about it cause the car is already registered under his name.
I'm Like WHAT!!!!!!
Ok, And whose fault is it? The manager's fault again!
Is like why is he a manager in the first place?
Should not and should never have allowed him to entertain us right from the start. Let's just say it right from the start!
He does not even knoe the colour names for the cars! And gave us the wrong one.
Even worse, He lied.
Said that we chose that colour.
Which customer in the right mind will choose the wrong colour for their car!
We obviously pointed out the RIGHT colour which is the DARKER SHADE.
EVEN COLOUR BLIND people can see the difference!!!!!!!!
I mean, is you do wrong, be a man and admit it and take responsible.
Treat us to some huge meal or something rather than refusing to pick up the call.
And the others can laugh about it!
In summary,
That they got the wrong colour for their customers.
I have to emphasise on this.
not the first, not the second.
but the
As simple as that, they gave the customer thee wrong colour. Because the manager got the names of the colour mixed up.
Gave us the wrong colour that we did not pick!!!!!!
Like seriously, and they laugh about it.
SUBTEXT: Hahaha, it has happen again. haha, but not my problem cause it is under your name.
I seriously wonder when will it be the FORTH TIME?
To have an unexpected colour waiting for him. After much problems given and delays.
1. UTTERLY DISAPPOINTED. with the company, for having such a manager.
2. COMPLETELY DISAPPOINTED. with the manager who kept LYING. or should I put it in a better phrase. GIVING EMPTY PROMISES? FAKE PROMISES?
Is the lying that pisses me off, and the refusal to take any action and bear responsibility for your mistakes and avoiding it.
So an advice to the others on buying a car,
1. You have the total responsibility in making sure that your car is alright and is the one that you wanted. Instead of trusting the company and their words without black and white.
2. If possible, take a recording of every single encounter for your purchase just in case. If not, you will not be able to have your car the way you want it when they say they would. As prove, in case something goes wrong. Like how, we and the previous 2 buyers whoever they may be, I understand how you felt.
Advice for the company,
1. Please make sure that you get the right workers. It is your company's image that they are ruining.
IN THIS CASE, the manager has ruined my image of the company.
Make him get it right or get him out of the job.
News spread.
OH RIGHT! The Company's name! Are you interested?
You know, just in case. There are other companys out there who have more reliable workers right?
and you will see the company.
That's the one you should be cautious off. For you may very well be their FORTH CASE!
Which they will LAUGH ABOUT!
Be sure that you do not get entertained by ChengWee, the manager who served us.
Cause, as rosy as a picture he gives you, yeah.
Roses, he will give with LOTS of THORNS!
But, if you do trust him, well, just make sure that you are willing to keep pestering him and confirming with him and remember to record down! (Just in case)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Monday, September 22, 2008

To the TOWN

Saturday, 20th September'08

Since the both of us haven't been to town for a long long long long long time. In ages. Yup. Like when was the last time? I can't remember. Seriously. So, anyway, we went to town on that very day. This is not Town. This is setting off to town! At TaiKengGardens.
And I requested Joshua to help me pin my hair. And he claimed that it was the toughest Task ever. And when you think of guys being able to protect your country and suffered in NS so called. And the funniest thing is to hear sweet heart say that pinning my hair is the toughest task to do. Sounds like after doing too many tough things, they kinda forget how to do the simple things. I don't hear him say that playing the piano is tough when he is struggling to play a tune but he says that pinning my hair is tough.
So after like about perhaps 15min trying to pin my hair up..I think I pin my hair up myself in the end. So why did I ask him to pin my hair up in the first place? Well, it was because I don't have a mirror. And I thought that it would be good if I have someone to be able to pin for me and see if it looks good or not ma. haha.
So next stop: SR MRT Nel to Dhoby then to Orchard.
In the train, there was a seat, so I went ahead to sit first. haha. And after awhile, Joshua had a seat too right opposite me. And started taking photos of me and we had our silent communications before a man stood right smack in the middle of us and blocked us and Joshua used his leg to say 'hi' to me. haha..I guess the guy must be wondering why I was laughing at him.


Hmm, What is he reading..

And who is she smsing too?

Us, finally, changing train to NS line to Orchard.

Roam around before we had lunch. More Lunch I must say.

Ok. This is me in something I won't normally wear.

How do I look?

I think I look sweet. opps.

Walk around got bored with the way I walk around. Which lead to some..hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

And then we head to Botanic Gardens. But, I will try shopping with SweetHeart again. Cause I do want to.

Botanic gardens! This is a nice shot before all the unglam shots. While I was uploading I was thinking oh no! Don't tell me that there is no nice shots at all! And nope, unglam shots are private. Haha.

Took A Bus 106, I think, to Suntec city, where I bought my new wallet. 2nd chance of shopping with SweetHeart again. Feels more comfortable than the first time.

And we went to Arcade. Now that F1 is coming. Haha, decided to have some fun too!

And we drove!

Yup, both of us, racing with each other. I got first! Joshua said he gave me chance. Parked his car at the pitstop cause I was too slow. Well, I flipped my car thrice! And I really wonder..How did I manage to pass my driving test for the first time? but I think I enjoyed during the game the most was when my car flipped. opps.

Followed by dinner at Kenny Rogers! Yum Yum!

Joshua's favourite corn Muffin. I must learn how to make those. To keep SweetHeart to me. Haha.

Side Dishes and Chicken. Opps, Did not take a shot of it. Well, it was yummy and filling. I'm I'm!!!..just making myself look fuller.

How did I manage to eat so much when I'm together with Joshua? i really wonder.


Tuesday, 16th September'08
Our day off!, Well, tecnhincally, I don't go to school on tuesday usually, or rather supposedly. But I had to. Cause Must MUST hand in Thai Homework, that I won't be able to finish. And plus, I can take my time. But this time, I did not. I told myself, I HAD TO FINISH and hand it up by MONDAY so as to be able to enjoy my day with Joshua, since he really took the time to take a day off to spend an entire day with me when the rest of the 'world' goes out to school or work. Taking off on a weekday feels so much better than on a weekend. You know why? I tell you why. Cause, there is not as many people trying to take the day off and crowd places that you too would want to go. So, anyway, we went to Sentosa. To just relax. Yup, we practicaly relax all the way. On our way..ask me something. ask me.
Like why am I wearing spects and Joshua is not.
You notice right? Wel, cause sports activites, Joshua wears his contacts. But on that very day, my eyes were too tired to accept the contact. Actually, is just the left eye. So never mind. I shall just be half blind when I put on my sunglasses when I reach there.
But you know what? It is not that bad you know. As in I still can see but not people's faces.

And So, we headed down for lunch at Carls Junior at Vivo! What are we still doing at Vivo!!! Is like I frequent Vivo more than I frequent Heartland you know. Getting tired of the place. They should really change the shops once in a while. Especially for people like me, who just somehow had to pass by it. Cause of school and the location of Sentosa. Both of us. Cause Joshua works near there too. Where? I shall not tell you.
Find out yourself. But I also think that you all already know right?

A Meal for both of us. I just can't imagine people eating a whole meal by themselves. I can't finish the whole thing by my own for now. Perhaps I will be able to in the future.
And I love their Icetea! PLus it is freeflow. WAhahahahahahhaaa...Yum YUM!
A shot before our lunch.
A shot during the ride.
Opps, this is a shot while we are on the bus to sr mrt. Before we reach Vivo. haha.

And We REACHED! Welcome to SENTOSA!

See, only us! Hardly anyone around.

So, we headed to the beach on one of the tiny island to put our stuff and just soak under the sun and the seawater. Seriously, Singapore's beach is not very clean. Well, It is not clean!!! Unless, there is high tide or something. Yup. Then it would be much better. And talked and relaxed and focus and enjoy each other's company. Sometimes, I do wonder how come we can just have things to talk about. It just comes. Ok, there are times when we don't. But overall, I feel like a chatterbox around him. Just Joshua.






And hours later




We went to shower and head back to Vivo! To watch Babylon A.D which we bought before we left for SENTOSA. Since we had some time before the show, we bought some snacks..YUM YUM and brought Joshua to his 'secret' place I found at Vivo, where water is provided and the benches are usually not occupied most of the time except when I sit on it. Hah! Can you guess? It is my slacking place when I have lots of time to wait for SweetHeart to finish his work.

So, dinner, followed by Movie, before we head home.

Did you realise we have been wearing common colours? Like previously, it was red red and now it is white white and not planned.

Ok, I know I ramble too much. Tata.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Let's show you the things we did at night!! At the park, TaiKeng Garden to be exact. .

Sparkles!! Yup, We played sparkles. Well, there are still left overs. Wonder when we will finish them.
Sweet Heart was in the mood to play with me too. Entertaining my ideas and I realise, he can become a kid too. haha.. Pretty shots!

(But I was quite scared that the sparkles will burn me though. Haha)

Haven't been playing it since I was a child.

And then, we found a lantern, that is abandoned on the floor where we put our stuff. And so we took it to play since we hae a lighter of our own that we brought along to play sparkles.

And in front of us, there were children playing with the circular thing. so we got interested.

And Joshua, was the first to hope on to it and play. Told you he can be like a kid.

I went on it too. But got giddy after awhile cause Joshua kept turning the thing over and over again. Won't you get giddy, I mean even watching the video?

So we lie and rested and took some shots before I Burped really loudly. It happens when I feel giddy.
The last of it.
And the candle in the lantern was burning out soon too.
And, So, we had to end and head back. Anyway, it was getting late. =)

hope you had an enjoyable Mid Autum Festival too!

MoonCakes? No mooncake. In fact, I haven't had one bite. But it was fun and enjoyable. =) Thank you Joshua. =)