
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I haven't given us enough attention to Sweet Heart's birthday haven't I!!!?

When was this? Hmm, it was on his birthday!!! When he turned 24 Years OLD!!! Isn't that OLD!!! No lah sweet heart you are not old. Just maturing in age. Haha. Well, I really hope you did enjoy your birthday although it did not went the way it was suppose to but some parts are in a good way right? Like you saw ME! Am I not your best birthday present? When I initially couldn't meet him, cause of some class, I dropped that module. Cause I was unhappy plus I really don't wanna miss a time like this with sweet heart. Moreover, I don't think I can do well for that module anyway. Opps. I was just weighing the importance and all lah. There is only a certain amount of time and I want to do the things or make sure that the sacrificial is worth it. Like dropping the module is worth it but not celebrating my first birthday with Joshua is not worth it. Haha.

We went to school to collect his present followed by subway in school and then that was about it. Simple. It is the thought that counts. Oh! I made him a birthday card later too, knowing that it will mean so much more than the SK2 stuffs that I got for him. Well, I don't have the photo of it but will take it. It is at his place now. You see, it is the thoguht that counts, the effort that you put in and not the money I put in. In a sense, my handmade card is much more valuable to Joshua than SK2 stuff cause got so much more meaning to it.

Well, I did learn things. And more stuffs about Joshua too.

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