
Friday, September 26, 2008

Hello Car.

No hard feelings about my first impression of you right? Just that it was funny the first time I sat in it cause, my mind's image is different from the one I was sitting in cause of the wrong colour thing, it felt like I was sitting in the wrong colour. So, anyway, just developing feelings for it now. haha. Ok, so, anyway, in the car, I had a thought. I was thinking that I don't consider myself as Joshua's girlfriend. The first thing that come into my mind when asked what is my relationship with Joshua. Sweet Heart. That's all. Why did I think of that? Well, cause while applying the supplementary cards, they always ask what is your relationship to Joshua ma. Then, I always had to pause for awhile before I write it down as girlfriend. It does not come automatically. But SweetHeart does comes automatically and I wanted to write it down. But that would be the 'wrong' answer right? So as I was just thinking and thinking, I decided to ask Joshua what's my relationship to him and he said, "SweetHeart".

Well, what do I make of it? Girlfriend is like a status. SweetHeart is something different. SweetHeart means something to Joshua. Joshua treasures me. So, may I always be a SweetHeart to Joshua. =) ok.

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