
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Getting rid of something

Really, I'm getting all too bust and tight with my schedule and I was thinking like how come! Tell you why. Cause of one module that really I do not like it. No attraction to it although I know what is going on with the module. It really feels like the other module I took call performance and popular culture. Is the same feeling. I know Yong Huey understands it. Just that this module is a little better cause I do understand what they are trying to say.

But lets just say that I do not enjoy it. Really. It is worse than history in my opinion. At least there is a story to history though I too do not like the way they think. But there is no story to this. Just process and linking the process up together and just how to say..hmm, at least in business they link up the process and apply what happens then but this is just like dwelling on it and on and on and on..without the application part to life. Is too, I shall say philosophical for me le. Hah! And the readings yup. It is philo-ish. I dont enjoy. And I take super long to finish reading it cause it is just..horrible.

Thai language is different. Though it takes up a lot of my time much more than this but at the end, there is still a sense of satisfaction whereas this is a sense of relief. You know, I learn something that I will use. Get what I mean?

Moreover, i'm thinking, he can go for his bro's wedding celebration and I become deprived in celebrating sweet heart's birthday. Just, something is not right. I will regret in years to come for not celebrating my sweet heart's birthday. It will just be another module or subject i took just like the past don't know how many years of my life studying..

Haha, why am i rumbling about all this stuff. Get to the point. Anyway, I realise that this module is preventing me from enjoying my study and is disrupting my schedule and this is not the first time. I just don't want to dread my thursdays anymore you know. No point pushing myself so hard for a grade which I would not even be happy about. It is so not worth it! So out you Go! Bye Bye! I drop you! haha!

I know it means that next year I will have to take 6 modules again and i will have another W grade. And there too might be a possibility that I may need to take special sem to graduate just in case I can't cope next year too! OH! I think my mum will be like what!!! And Sweet heart wants me to graduate soon too..But. I want to be a happy sweet heart! If not there will always be this thing at the back of my mind is like a nail in the shoe like that..Not suppose to be there.

So I hope you unerstand cause I do. Anyway, I didn't intend to take 6 modules this sem but I took it to try out and that If I can't handle I will just drop and take 6 modules the following semester. That was the plan ma. =)

Wee!!! I'm a happy girl! Yuppie! Lalalalalala...

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