
Monday, September 22, 2008


Tuesday, 16th September'08
Our day off!, Well, tecnhincally, I don't go to school on tuesday usually, or rather supposedly. But I had to. Cause Must MUST hand in Thai Homework, that I won't be able to finish. And plus, I can take my time. But this time, I did not. I told myself, I HAD TO FINISH and hand it up by MONDAY so as to be able to enjoy my day with Joshua, since he really took the time to take a day off to spend an entire day with me when the rest of the 'world' goes out to school or work. Taking off on a weekday feels so much better than on a weekend. You know why? I tell you why. Cause, there is not as many people trying to take the day off and crowd places that you too would want to go. So, anyway, we went to Sentosa. To just relax. Yup, we practicaly relax all the way. On our way..ask me something. ask me.
Like why am I wearing spects and Joshua is not.
You notice right? Wel, cause sports activites, Joshua wears his contacts. But on that very day, my eyes were too tired to accept the contact. Actually, is just the left eye. So never mind. I shall just be half blind when I put on my sunglasses when I reach there.
But you know what? It is not that bad you know. As in I still can see but not people's faces.

And So, we headed down for lunch at Carls Junior at Vivo! What are we still doing at Vivo!!! Is like I frequent Vivo more than I frequent Heartland you know. Getting tired of the place. They should really change the shops once in a while. Especially for people like me, who just somehow had to pass by it. Cause of school and the location of Sentosa. Both of us. Cause Joshua works near there too. Where? I shall not tell you.
Find out yourself. But I also think that you all already know right?

A Meal for both of us. I just can't imagine people eating a whole meal by themselves. I can't finish the whole thing by my own for now. Perhaps I will be able to in the future.
And I love their Icetea! PLus it is freeflow. WAhahahahahahhaaa...Yum YUM!
A shot before our lunch.
A shot during the ride.
Opps, this is a shot while we are on the bus to sr mrt. Before we reach Vivo. haha.

And We REACHED! Welcome to SENTOSA!

See, only us! Hardly anyone around.

So, we headed to the beach on one of the tiny island to put our stuff and just soak under the sun and the seawater. Seriously, Singapore's beach is not very clean. Well, It is not clean!!! Unless, there is high tide or something. Yup. Then it would be much better. And talked and relaxed and focus and enjoy each other's company. Sometimes, I do wonder how come we can just have things to talk about. It just comes. Ok, there are times when we don't. But overall, I feel like a chatterbox around him. Just Joshua.






And hours later




We went to shower and head back to Vivo! To watch Babylon A.D which we bought before we left for SENTOSA. Since we had some time before the show, we bought some snacks..YUM YUM and brought Joshua to his 'secret' place I found at Vivo, where water is provided and the benches are usually not occupied most of the time except when I sit on it. Hah! Can you guess? It is my slacking place when I have lots of time to wait for SweetHeart to finish his work.

So, dinner, followed by Movie, before we head home.

Did you realise we have been wearing common colours? Like previously, it was red red and now it is white white and not planned.

Ok, I know I ramble too much. Tata.

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