
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

NoKia E71

I think I maybe secretly wanting a E71 haha.. since joshua have been praising it over and over again. Yup, it is really a good handphone I must say. More than a handphone. But well, I gotta say that I do not need a phone like this yet. Perhaps next time. Or when Sweet Heart "Bu yao chong dong" the time then get another phone..then I will snatch it away..Hahaha..No lah. Crazy ah. Im already having 2 phones now. Well, Joshua took this few shots while we were at Mac at East Coast. We went with the purpose of cycling but in the end too late and ended up eating at Mac. Eat and eat and eat. I'm actually putting on weight. Just have the mood to eat when I'm with Joshua. OH NO! If this goes on..w/o exercise i must emphasize I'll become fat gradually. But everything is in control! I'm joining standard charter! 21 KM. You think I can't do it! I'll I'll!!! Try my best to prove it to you that I can. So Both Joshua and I are gonna train. haha..And It means that I can still continue eating!! WEE!!!

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