
Friday, July 31, 2009

My 19th Session.

Yes! I'm on my way there to ending start earning money. =) As a In-line Skating instructor.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My cross

Cross on my ring dropped. Nowhere to be found. Is this a sign? I'm sad. =(

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Move Forward

ARGH! The HK drama series did not end the way I want it to be. The Work BAD! And I was angry with JX this afternoon for a sentence he said.

BUT! LIFE. Complex relationships. I will continue to move on with a good mindset. THOUGH, there maybe times when we fall down. Or MISUNDERSTANDINGS arise.

I will still have to support myself to carry on. *of course, if you are christian, you will have God to support you.

Shirley, keep carrying on!

Looking at photos, hmm..really. we are all just trying to live our lives. =)

7th Jan 2010: "Can't even remember what happen..haha sorry. I'm editing my categories for my blog".

Objective mind says

Afterall, I need to recover.
It was not mine to begin with.

emotional: saved as draft
objective: published.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Utmost Temptation

I'm having a craving. My current temptation!!
Since I've been on the road to recovery, my appetite had a tiny winy bit of improvement. A little craving for taste. And guess what?
There is a packet of twisties on my table!!!!!!
To be honest, I am truely tempted to eat finish and buy another packet and put it back there. HEHE! No lah I am not. Cause I already promise JX before that - not to eat! =) That's why!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Kiss! Finally!

I have not dare to kiss JX for quite a while nor get close to him. Just in case he falls ill because of me. =) But I got a peek on my cheeks! YUPPIE! I was laughing and smiling as he dropped by just now before he does to church. Anyway, he left the iPod Touch in my care! As well as his lappy. Oh well, it was so that I could play with his iPod Touch. =) Thanks Sweet Heart! And his way of honging me happy is to always buy me a drink. And this time, he bought PEEL FRESH for me for vitamin C! =)
I love You!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Feeling Fainty

Feeling Fainty right now.


I can't go anywhere. Try my best not to go out. Not to do anything. Can't do much at home too. Only have lots of thoughts in my head. So, I guess blogging is the best thing to do to pass time.

One thing I must note though. The more "Intruders" I have, the more objective my posts have to be. I will have to be more responsible.

Have been thinking about WORK mainly last night. How to solve what I accidentally created. How to turn this accidental threat into an opportunity, make use of this and turn into a fortunate success. Making sense? Well, I think I get influence by the marketing book I was reading.

Shouldn't WORK be like that? Minimising threats and work on opportunities? Right? Well, at least I'm doing the best I can. =)
WORK's attitude will be different if it was posted by a customer. Hmm.

It gets irritating with WORK's comment. Not the whole of WORK. Just one. It becomes discouraging and insulting when one uses negative words. This is definitely not what WORK is about. The WORK I knew is about encouragment and improvement.

Wonder how M stands it.

WORK. I tend to have an attachment and personal feeling to it. But now, after negative words indirectly by one, I don't know where to place WORK now.

I'm still in the midst of thinking of putting WORK as strictly work? or keeping it the same way as it was before.

Is hard to place one too.
People have been respected for many things. Their ability to do things, their assets..status..power..etc.
Today, I realize that it is still best to be respected for your character. It is something people cannot snatch away from you with a snap of a finger. Nonetheless, it is something that have to be built overtime. A long long time.
While economic typhoon can rob you of your assets and age can rob you of your ability to do things, character is something that can't disappear just like that. As for power and status, it feels like mind games, you will always need to be at the top of your game..(Like those movies, such as mafia, huge company, rich family fighting for inheritance within themselves..)
What is people's respect for you built on?
What is people's respect for me built on?

Do I even have people respecting me? I need to work harder on my character.

thinking about H1N1

They said that it was gonna peak the next 2 weeks. But I'm not having a good feeling about it. Why? I think that the disease in my body is scheming! It always give me the feeling that I'm gonna heal and be well in no time, it suddenly attacked and landed me with a huge FLU the previous night. Thankfully, the worst is over. As for the fever, is tricky. Whenever I visit the doctor, the fever just knows how to run away. Undetectable by the doctor. And when I'm by myself, it quietly sneaks back. Have been taking my temperature regularly. There has finally been signs of recovery. My temperature is going DOWN! YEAH! But..of course, I'm still forbidden to schools. SKATING! I miss skating..Can't clock my training sessions.

Maybe there is a reason. It forces me to stay at home and think about my 'routine' Am I going for trainings on every mondays, tuesdays, thursdays and fridays and work on wednesdays only? Is this a wise decision? Moreover, how much can I earn?

Can I talk about last night first? ok. Last night, as I was having dinner with Joshua at Turtle soup.. WAH SEH..Initially, I thought I could enjoy myself eating yummy food and drinking their yummy soup. But I DID NOT FINISH my food. The egg I love to eat suddenly didn't seem appetizing to me at all. And my head was a little stress. Tried to smile and laugh as JX was playing his new toy, but I hardly had the energy to support myself. And then the feeling came.

Now what is the FEELING?
It is called the FEELING of vomiting and fainting. (Beginning stage)

And Usually, I dislike tears and crying. But last night, my mindset has changed. =) Tears do help prevent bigger 'horrible' things to happen. As I got into the car and teared and took in huge amount of air..the "FEELING" vanished into thin air. =)

PHEW! And soon after, I was bouncing about again. Sometimes, it is ok to cry. NOT TOO MUCH..just a little will do..
It releases toxic in your body! (OK, do not quote me)

IN FACT, do not quote me at all! Whatever is in my blog, stays in my blog. =) ok. =) I should put a disclaimer. ok. Gonna add it right now.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Mummy and Daddy!

Nothing much. Just a simple cake. but..
My mum and dad have their smiles.
Which really makes..Is the thought that counts. =)


Is not H1N1. Told you. I'm safe. PHEW!


Last night, my illness peaked quickly when I was starting to feel unwell yesterday.
It started with a tiny sore throat but not that bad. And I went to Northlight for skating training. Had to take my temperature 3 times. The first 2 times were 37.6..Until the third time, it was 36.5..

Was it the hot weather? Or the fever took cover and hid from the thermometer? I'm not sure. After which, I went home to shower, before going to Down Town East to watch Harry Potter's 4 plus movie. Such a long movie I must say. And I wished that there was more teamwork with the 3 best friends. But lots of attention was given to Dumbledore. I guess it was because he died in the end. WHY MUST HE DIE!!!! Stupid Snape. Smack him.

Anyway, near the end of the movie, I was beginning to feel cold. Shivering..And wore both my Jacket and JX's Jacket. JX was sweet enough to drive me to a place where there is porriage. Since I wanted to eat porriage for dinner. (I only eat porriage when I feel like my body is getting weaker and cold) Thus, the fastest way to gain heat is to eat porriage. Ate while wearing my jacket on. And reaching back home, my head seems much heavier. My mind was working minimal..(Obeying orders only)..

Back Home, I rested while JX went back home. I think he shouldn't accompany me any further. Check my mail for a short while and realise that i'm up for today's skating class at 830am at bukit timah primary school and Northlight at 1pm. Wah, super not worth it lah. Plus I was feeling sick and weak. I would be crazy to get up at 630am...So, I message head coah that I will not be able to attend this whole week's sessions. Including Thursday and Friday. I should rest. Moreover..I believe that it was a wise decision. Ate medication. Switch off the lights..switch on the fan, and hid myself under the blanket. (WHICH I do not normally do)

Initially, it felt good. Warm and Cosy. But I know that my body was getting hot. I knew I was having fever. Confirm. The funny thing about fever is that as your body is getting hot (outside), you feel chill(inside). So it was a little shiok to have the blanket. And drinking water..I feel asleep. Only to wake up soon..Because I need to go to the washroom. Drank more water and feel asleep again. Soon after..I woke up again. My head was painful. I guess I got too hot. But weak and sleepy..and half-conscious, thinking that I was actually climbing down my bed and getting things done, I was still actually on my bed. Finally, I managed to get out of my bed for real. Was thankful that I had a mini towel with me(Which I usually do not have)..Hmm..(Intuition told me I needed a small towel?) Wet the towel..Climb up my bed..put the towel on my forehead. Drank water. And doze off to sleep again. Woke up go and change towel..use the washroom..Drank water..slept again. Woke up again due to body aches that made my yearn for a head massage, back and shoulder massage..Went to the washroom again..Drank water..Fell asleep. I have no idea how many times I woke up but i'm pretty sure that was the last few of it..The next time I woke up was early morning at 8 plus..with a confuse body..not sure if I was cold or hot. Decided to switch on the air-con for a while and hide under the blanket. Switch off the fan..Drank the last few mouths of water left in my bottle..drowsy..fell into sub-conscious..finally deciding to call JX at about 9am. Before I said good night and slept all the way till 11am. Wow..

Actually, I did quite a lot of things, since I slept at 9plus pm last night. Luckily I told head coach that I can't cause I really cannot. I will be using this whole week to recuperate. So no worries. But of course, I had all symptons except for a tiny flu that means according to the newspaper..those who have flu have higher risk of being a H1N1..And then, I sneeze! Great! I got the last sympton. Although I really believe that I do not have H1N1, since I believe that what i'm having was from JX and I already have a whole lot of medication cause my mei too had all these rubbish a few weeks ago, far worse than me and is not a H1N1..BUT I shall still be a responsible Singaporean and visit a doctor this afternoon with my mum.

Am I still having fever? I don't think so le leh. My forehead is not hot anymore nor feverish. NOt having cough cough. Nor flu..still having sore throat but is recovering feeling. aches still have a little..yearning for a massage still.. Body is still weak. Not as weak as last night though.

Still, all of these can't compare to what I had last year. Of a unknown reason for breathing problem. That was like, I had no idea when was my last breath. But I recovered miraculously..spending loads of money, trying to find out why to no avail. I guess, that is something that will remain with me always.

So, just in case, stay away from me ok. =)

And when will I finish my 20 sessions? Argh! So long! I'm still at my 14th session. 6 more to go. And I know..It is like i'm being cheated right..I know I know. But compare to playing a piano grade 8 and violin grade know what has been playing in my head? Skating. I love skating much more than piano and violin. But I will still do my grade 8 cause I said so. At least, it will be a useful skill. I can play piano or violin in future for service. Maybe is the idea of being judge at which grade you are that piss me off. Ok. I should go buy my books soon.

OK! my mum called me! Going to see the doctor now. =) =(

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Dreams: Checklist

Skating Instructor

1) Find a skating company to start working. =)

2) Orientation 2 days. =)
15-16th June'09

3) 20 Sessions of Training. ==
: 18-19th June (Thur-Fri)= 4 sessions
: 27th June (Sat) = 1 session
: 30th June = (Tue)1 session
: 2nd July (Thur)= 1 session
: 4th July (Sat)= 1 session
: 6th July (Mon) = 1 session
: 7th July (Tue) = 1 session
: 9th July (Thursday) = 1 session
: 13th July (Monday) = 1 session
: 16th July (Thursday) = 1 session
: 20th July (Monday) = 1 session
: 28th July (Tuesday) = 2 sessions
: 30th July (Thursday) = 2 sessions
: 31st July (Friday) = 1 session (I'm Here!)
Total: 19 sessions.
: 1st August (Saturday, 5-6pm) = 1 session, my 20th SESSION!
Aim to finish 20 sessions by month of July, in order to start earning money and teach officially as a instructor.
4) Get ICP Certificate/ISCC
=> Train Intermediate Level and Advance Level
5) Become a Ice-Skating Instructor
PIANO Grade 8 with MERIT
1) Buy Pieces and Scales for Grade 8 Piano
2) Book Examination Dates (2010)
3) Piano Requirements for Scale
-> Scales (Similar motion) -- 4 Octaves
C,D,B,F#,F,Eb,Ab/G#,Db/C# major and minors (Harmonic and Melodic)
Legato/Staccato/Both hands/Seperate hands
->Scales a third apart -- 4 Octaves
(Keys as above), Harmonic minors only
Legato/Staccato/Both hands/Seperate hands
->Scales a sixth apart -- 4 Octaves
(Keys as above), Harmonic minors only
Legato/Staccato/Both hands/Seperate hands
-> Legato Scales in thirds --2 Octaves
C and Bb majors
Hands Seperately
-> Chromatic Scales a minor third apart --4 Octaves
Beginning on any nores named by examiner
Legato/Staccato/Both hands/Seperate hands
-> Chromatic scale in minor thirds --2 Octaves
Beginning on A#/C#
Legato/Hands Seperately
->Whole-tone scale --2 Octaves
Beginning on E
Legato/Hands Seperately and together
->Argeggios --4 Octaves
Keys as for scales (Similar motion) above
Legato/hands together and seperate, in root position, first and second inversions
->Dominant Sevenths --4 Octaves
Legato, Hands together and seperately
->Diminished Sevenths --4 Octaves
Beginning on any note named by examiner
Legato/Hands together and seperately
4) Piano Requirements for Pieces (PICK 3)
5) Piano Aural Test Requirement (TOUGH!!!)
-> Sing/play from memory the LOWEST part of a short 3-part phrase played TWICE by examiner. (Key-chord and starting note will first be sounded and named and pulse indicated)
->Identify the Cadence at the end of a further (Following phrase), played twice by the examiner, as perfect imperfect, interrupted or plagal.
(Key chord will first be sounded)
->Identify up to four chords in above cadential progression, played twice by the examiner, as
Tonic(Root position, first or second inversions)
Supertonic(Root position, first inversion)
Subdominant(Root position)
Dominant(Root position, first or second inversions)
Dominant Seventh(Root position)
Submediant(Root position)
(Key-chord will first be sound)
->Sing a short melody from score, accompanied by a higher part played by the examiner, in any major or minor key up to 4 sharps/flats.
(The key-chord and starting note will first be sounded and pulse indicated)
(Can choose to sing from treble or bass clef)
->Identify 2 modulations, each played once by examiner, beginning in a major/minor key.
The passages may modulate to the
Dominant(including dominant minor if in a minor key)
Relative minor or major
(from a major key only) Supertonic minor
(Will be required to name new keys.)
(Key chord will first be sounded and key named)
-> Discuss matters relating to any of the musical features of a piece played by examiner.
VIOLIN Grade 8 with MERIT
1) Buy Pieces and Scales for Grade 8 Violin

2) Book Examination Dates (2010)

3) Violin Requirements for Scale
4) Violin Requirements for pieces (Pick 3)
5) Violin Aural Requirements

It is easy to Say

Yup. Don't you agree that it is so easy to say and think whatever you want in your head. There are hardly any obstacles in your head about thinking of doing this and that etc. And.. I must say that. I did somethink just like that.

In my mind I was still deciding for quite some time ago if I would want to be taking GRADE 8 Piano and Violin Examination! Can't believe I actually thought of that, I mean it has been definitely 3 years or more since I took an examination. And all of a sudden when I graduate, I think it is time to sit for more examinations. I must be out of my mind! Totally! But..I know, as long as a dream is in my head and I don't tell anyone, it will always be a thought in my head. Never will I do anything about it. So..even though people may say why or encourage or discourage..I still speak up. And tell people that I want to take my grade 8 Examinations! WIth a GOAL to pass with MERIT. Since I do not want to pass for the sake of a piece of paper. I should do it good right?

And now, finally when I tuned my violin today..I kinda had a little phobia. Cause one of the strings is gonna break soon. (NEED TO BUY VIOLIN STRINGS). The last time it broke, my hand had a red mark. so yup. And playing piano..scales..

WOW! I was thinking that I'm crazy. EASIER SAID THAN DONE! What was I thinking? Well, I was thinking that I could get at least a Grade 8 and the years my parents spent on me to get grade 8 will not be wasted and probably, I can teach too in some schools. Since nowadays everything is also about PAPER Qualifications.

So I will be taking the examinations next year. Is gonna be expensive.. And I think I have lots of things occupying me le at least till the next year.

1) Skating Instructor
2) Part-time Job for L Circle..and other help my mum would need after office hours.
3) Piano Grade 8 with Merit to do
4) Violin Grade 8 with Merit to do

During my free free time:
5) Balloon Twisting. (So that when Lcircle Bedok has their BIG EVENT, I can be the twister and earn money!) hehe..

Should be able to survive this year without my allowance. Yup. I will not be having allowance from AUGUST onwards! Cause I tell my mum not to give me le..
ARGH!! SHIRLEY what are you doing? I could definitely do with the extra cash. But if my calculations are right..
My part-time job should get me enough to get by. A little more than my current allowance. I know..Get a better job right?

NO WAY! I wanna be a skating instructor and get my ICP certificate first! I know that working for my current company cannot get me what I want in the long run. But for now, they can provide me with what I want. And I can build connections too! Then..I can be my own private instructor once I get the cert. Ok. My coach must not see this. IF NOT! He would proabably save his rice bowl and not train me anymore. =)
As for pilate cert. Not yet. Is extremely expensive can! I need at least 2K! And seriously, I would rather be tempted to get my MAC Lappy. Which I'm totally not getting now, nor soon.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Skating Instructor!!!

I can't believe it! Yeo Han is a instructor now! Argh! And I kept thinking. If I had done the 2 days skate camp, I would have been an instructor too!!! But..I'm still only on my 13th session. Including today will be the 14th..that is if I go..But Sweet Heart is sick. So I think I may not go.. See how lah. haha. I don't even know when i'm suppose to go for training nowadays. Always unsure. Have to check email to confirm.

So..Congrats to Yeo Han for being the first among all the trainees. I hope that I can too! And be promoted faster to have more pay!! WEE!! Ok. Lastly, of course and much more importantly..I hope that Joshua will be good in health. And that he will always be happy and energetic and young. =)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


At forty, or fifty and even sixty, you would expect someone of that age know how to communicate properly. Those movies you see, the elders tend to have wise words from experience to share. But there are times..I hardly see any communication skills from my dad. Just like now..When he found his dvds missing and just asked Where?! Where?! Seriously, at his age, he can form complete polite sentences. But it was hard talking to him, not to mention heart to heart talk. Polite words like Hi and Thank you tends to be overly too soft to be heard and interrogating words like Where?! etc are loud and clear. Sometimes, it is difficult to feel that he loves. Definitely difficult to say that he is a great wonderful best dad in the world. it made him appear as rude and stern..someone I wouldn't wanna be close with. BUT at the end of the day, I know he loves me. Just needs some communication practice.

Personally, I think my dad has poor communication skills especially speaking "love".
More and more, I do see myself like my dad at times too. I can appear cold and cool without reponse. Looks like I gotta communicate more and practice and improve on my communication skills.
And at the end of the day when you ask yourself "why are they so distant from me?" Well, you can answer that yourself. It has to be the way you appear to others. If you appear friendly, of course people will come and talk and befriend you. You know what I mean..

Then you would say, but I'm like that. I'm cool and I am a girl/man with few words. I'm shy etc. And I would say. Do all babies know how to walk?
And you would say what has that got to do with anything.
Actually, I believe that we can all train ourselves to be friendly people. With smiles and take things positively. We all can. Is just to practice. Try and Improve. Just like a baby who learns who to walk. It takes time, practice, lots of encouragement and not giving up, in order to walk. The same way you learn English language. The same way you learn how to play the piano. The same way you learn to skate. You LEARN.

Those excuses of mine are no more. I'm gonna be a bubbly and lovable and friendly girl. And I'm gonna practice.

Then, I wouldn't want to end up like my aunt. She has good communication skills especially in her work with her bosses, workmates and customers. What scares me was not her at home (Private)but her at work. I find it such a pity that how can a lady who display such excellent patience in public can be so impatient at home. It maybe home as the only avenue to Fuss about and let go of her temper. But. BUT! before you say I agree. Think again. Shouldn't family be the ones you should respect and love the most? And thus, you should be most patient to them and not take advantage of your blood relation. Scaring me at work because it seemed like she has two faces. At home, or whenever she appears at my house, there is hardly peace and silence. It was loud talk. Loud Voice. Impatient. Though deep down, I believe she wants to be patient and gentle like she was at work, but long time training and practice, it becomes a habit. Communicating loudly and impatiently with family. At least she does not talk too toud to me. And when I see her at work, she turns almost a 180 degrees. Gentle and polite voice. Joking voice. Diplomatic voice. It became a stun for me. Somehow, I can't piece the 2 sides of her together.

And I wouldn't want to be like that. Having 2 impressions for people to see. I would prefer 1 impression. At home and outside to others. Just that right now, the 1 impression I have from others is cool and pretty qquiet. Which I will work on. I want to be the ideal girl that is always playing in my head. So, let's work together alright? =) Let's work to become a better person together.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

thinking about

Muahaha..Of course I pick Buffet over training. In theory, I had to help my mum present a blog idea for WORK (Which is going to change name) and it means that I need to do more WORK. Well, I can think of it this way. I'm being rewarded for my long hours of Blog doing with a Buffet Treat!

And guess what? My mum was really happy when the bosses said OK! And they kept praising me as a Fantastic Job Well Done. But I'm thinking..Is it that Fantastic? I was a tiny bit flattered. =) And of course, the basic thing was to have good english sentences posted on the blog..(Writing like this is unacceptable!!!)

I know it is a Image thing and I totally understand.

And I got a nmessage from Jerald, (Head Coach of Training) saying that BAD!!!
Ok. Get this right. This is not because I did not come for training and went for buffet. Get the facts right. He said that it was bad because AMK primary and Delta High School cancelled skating sessions with him due to H1N1.

H1N1 is doing such great publicity that lots of people are losing business.. stay healthy yeah. Health is extremely important!

Well, it means that my plan of finishing 20 sessions of training is being delayed once again. Things hardly go according to plan right..

8 more training sessions to go!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Girl underneath the graduation gown

OH LaLa..Sakuraya withe the fabulous Salmon Sashimi! =) It was a surprise by Sweet Heart, just before we head down to University for my Graduaction Commencement, Convocation..Ceremony..Whatever it is called. =) Joshua, my Boyfriend, Sweet Heart and Buddy. He is sleeping now while I'm blogging.
He wears a ring on his index finger. The ring I gave him. Well, wearing it on the forth finger prevents him from playing the guitar properly. Still, I look forward to the day when he can wear the ring on his forth finger and play the guitar well.

This is me! Wearing the gown for the first time. The gown does not belong to me though. It was my elder sister's. And she is going to further her studies..PHD soon! As for me, A degree is enough. Just fulfilling my Kindergarden Dream. As funny as it seems, Yup!

This is one of the 'easiest' dream to fulfill in Singapore. Because my other dreams are considered 'ridiculous'. Oh well..But what I'm gonna do is to fulfill those 'ridiculous' dreams!
*My mum said I can do what I want after I graduate!

I will have to admit. At times, it is difficult..and self-doubt do come along..your mind swings to the left and to the right.

Really? Seriously, what is considered as doing the right thing?
Dreams that follow the society's system? Like this?

Lilies from Sweet Heart Joshua. Ultimate surprise. I love it when he gives me flowers. Though not practical, cause it dies..Nonetheless, at that very moment, flowers can do wonders. Flowers can enliven the atmosphere of the event. And not wasted. It lives on as a sweet memory. I matter to him. Lots of people don't see that. Like my mum. Whenever he gives me flowers, she will again?

Again, it is like a birthday that needs a birthday cake.

ME! Holding the paper in my hand. 2nd row.
Turning around. Empty seat..It was for YONG HUAY! But she is working overseas. Quite sad..since Theatre Studies major only had so few and she didn't turn up..

Me looking up! I know where my family and Joshua were seating. I was waving to them like no one's business.
And it starts. With the same routine.. Balloons at the end. But I must say..It is a different experience for me since i'm in it!

It was getting a little exciting when people started to leave row by row, to get on stage and receive the scroll! On stage! I know as a Theatre Studies major this should be like ok..still..hehe I was excited!

Reaching my turn, and my heart was beating hard and fast. And I told myself that I'm gonna wave at the camera for Joshua and family to see once I got the scroll.
And boy, sooner than I know it, it was over.

And back to our seats with our transcript and degree in our hands. 2 pieces of paper.
Told you the balloons was routine.

Blur me.
Joshua and I

Me and Sasha!

A family.


When it is all family left and it was just Joshua and me. =)
To the Carpark..You can't expect me to wear the gown wherever I go right..

Off with the gown

Off with the collored shirt. And it is just me. =) Shirley.
And I'm a Singaporean who lives at Catstreet. In case you are checking the directory, it is not in it. I call it Catstreet because of the number of cats roaming just outside my house, supported by my neighbour.

I've recently graduated from NUS with a Arts and Social Science degree, majoring in Theatre Studies. In order to attain this degree, I must say, I've given up on some of my dreams or some would say.."ridiculous dreams". I seem to have lots of ridiculous ideas which was why I ended up as a Theatre Studies Major in the first place. My "ridiculous dreams"? It ranges from being a Ice-skater, Kidsparty planner and tour guide in a movie! Well, these are considered to be things that does not have a future? Which is the same thing they said about my major too!
Nonetheless, I'm still looking forward to my next phase in life--the WORKING WORLD! (With or without a future, Let's see how it goes.)
My previous experience of the WORKING WORLD! includes Redbull Mobile Team Girl, travelling around giving the blue and silver can to people, Mr. Bottle Kidsparty, going around celebrating kids' birthday parties, a trainer at Kainos Consultants etc.

I would have to say, I love working with kids. It gives me great satisfaction and joy to see kids enjoy themselves. I love being around, with and 'working' with them. They have this energy and life that penetrates with joy, hope, trust and lots of laughter!
Then again, I'll be honest. I've no professional training in managing nor planning events. Rather, I learn and picked up alot of those skills through my working experiences. And so, I hope that you would give me this opportunity to work with children and play a part to fulfill my 'ridiculous' dreams!
Thanks! Am I ready for the Working World? NOPE! Totally NOT! Hehe..But as for now..
But for is time to celebrate my graduation. With Joshua @ U.d.d.e.r.s. I would have to say that it is a pretty cool place! Yummy Ice-cream..
A Board to write on. Just before I consider myself as in the

workforce Full FORCE! And trying to keep the Lilies alive for as long as possible.