
Friday, July 10, 2009

I'm feeling a little affected

And it all boils down to the same thing. Just another part of the question.
What are you going to do after you have graduated?

And when my answer is, I want to be a skating instructor..

My mum says..then you study so hard for what? Why don't you get a proper job?

It affects me. Which part of being a skating instructor is not a proper job? I don't get it. Working in a office like grace as a centre manager is a proper job? Well, it is not like i'm selling illegal drugs. I'm robbing people and I call that my job.

And every part of my brain too tells me that HEY! SWU is making use of your free labour! (Cause I have to finish 20 sessions before I can start earning) You don't' have to tell me. I know!

But if you would just only look..the previous instructors too did the 20 sessions before they began earning.

And finally, it boils down to the question. Do I want to hold on to my ridiculous dream of a Skating instructor?

Without the 20 sessions, I will never become a skating instructor. People will only look at my qualifications and skills and unwilling to train me, they will dismiss this skating instructor dream of mine. But at least with SWU, I know that they are willing to teach me skills for me to improve, and that I can be a better instructor.

Lastly, I have to remind myself of the day. When I submitted my resume to companies and prayed for a job so badly cause I need it and the next day, it was SWU who called me. More than a wish. This is a prayer answered. And so, I will humble myself once again. And to be a skating instructor.

And in time to come, you will see why.

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