
Sunday, July 19, 2009

It is easy to Say

Yup. Don't you agree that it is so easy to say and think whatever you want in your head. There are hardly any obstacles in your head about thinking of doing this and that etc. And.. I must say that. I did somethink just like that.

In my mind I was still deciding for quite some time ago if I would want to be taking GRADE 8 Piano and Violin Examination! Can't believe I actually thought of that, I mean it has been definitely 3 years or more since I took an examination. And all of a sudden when I graduate, I think it is time to sit for more examinations. I must be out of my mind! Totally! But..I know, as long as a dream is in my head and I don't tell anyone, it will always be a thought in my head. Never will I do anything about it. So..even though people may say why or encourage or discourage..I still speak up. And tell people that I want to take my grade 8 Examinations! WIth a GOAL to pass with MERIT. Since I do not want to pass for the sake of a piece of paper. I should do it good right?

And now, finally when I tuned my violin today..I kinda had a little phobia. Cause one of the strings is gonna break soon. (NEED TO BUY VIOLIN STRINGS). The last time it broke, my hand had a red mark. so yup. And playing piano..scales..

WOW! I was thinking that I'm crazy. EASIER SAID THAN DONE! What was I thinking? Well, I was thinking that I could get at least a Grade 8 and the years my parents spent on me to get grade 8 will not be wasted and probably, I can teach too in some schools. Since nowadays everything is also about PAPER Qualifications.

So I will be taking the examinations next year. Is gonna be expensive.. And I think I have lots of things occupying me le at least till the next year.

1) Skating Instructor
2) Part-time Job for L Circle..and other help my mum would need after office hours.
3) Piano Grade 8 with Merit to do
4) Violin Grade 8 with Merit to do

During my free free time:
5) Balloon Twisting. (So that when Lcircle Bedok has their BIG EVENT, I can be the twister and earn money!) hehe..

Should be able to survive this year without my allowance. Yup. I will not be having allowance from AUGUST onwards! Cause I tell my mum not to give me le..
ARGH!! SHIRLEY what are you doing? I could definitely do with the extra cash. But if my calculations are right..
My part-time job should get me enough to get by. A little more than my current allowance. I know..Get a better job right?

NO WAY! I wanna be a skating instructor and get my ICP certificate first! I know that working for my current company cannot get me what I want in the long run. But for now, they can provide me with what I want. And I can build connections too! Then..I can be my own private instructor once I get the cert. Ok. My coach must not see this. IF NOT! He would proabably save his rice bowl and not train me anymore. =)
As for pilate cert. Not yet. Is extremely expensive can! I need at least 2K! And seriously, I would rather be tempted to get my MAC Lappy. Which I'm totally not getting now, nor soon.

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