
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Girl underneath the graduation gown

OH LaLa..Sakuraya withe the fabulous Salmon Sashimi! =) It was a surprise by Sweet Heart, just before we head down to University for my Graduaction Commencement, Convocation..Ceremony..Whatever it is called. =) Joshua, my Boyfriend, Sweet Heart and Buddy. He is sleeping now while I'm blogging.
He wears a ring on his index finger. The ring I gave him. Well, wearing it on the forth finger prevents him from playing the guitar properly. Still, I look forward to the day when he can wear the ring on his forth finger and play the guitar well.

This is me! Wearing the gown for the first time. The gown does not belong to me though. It was my elder sister's. And she is going to further her studies..PHD soon! As for me, A degree is enough. Just fulfilling my Kindergarden Dream. As funny as it seems, Yup!

This is one of the 'easiest' dream to fulfill in Singapore. Because my other dreams are considered 'ridiculous'. Oh well..But what I'm gonna do is to fulfill those 'ridiculous' dreams!
*My mum said I can do what I want after I graduate!

I will have to admit. At times, it is difficult..and self-doubt do come along..your mind swings to the left and to the right.

Really? Seriously, what is considered as doing the right thing?
Dreams that follow the society's system? Like this?

Lilies from Sweet Heart Joshua. Ultimate surprise. I love it when he gives me flowers. Though not practical, cause it dies..Nonetheless, at that very moment, flowers can do wonders. Flowers can enliven the atmosphere of the event. And not wasted. It lives on as a sweet memory. I matter to him. Lots of people don't see that. Like my mum. Whenever he gives me flowers, she will again?

Again, it is like a birthday that needs a birthday cake.

ME! Holding the paper in my hand. 2nd row.
Turning around. Empty seat..It was for YONG HUAY! But she is working overseas. Quite sad..since Theatre Studies major only had so few and she didn't turn up..

Me looking up! I know where my family and Joshua were seating. I was waving to them like no one's business.
And it starts. With the same routine.. Balloons at the end. But I must say..It is a different experience for me since i'm in it!

It was getting a little exciting when people started to leave row by row, to get on stage and receive the scroll! On stage! I know as a Theatre Studies major this should be like ok..still..hehe I was excited!

Reaching my turn, and my heart was beating hard and fast. And I told myself that I'm gonna wave at the camera for Joshua and family to see once I got the scroll.
And boy, sooner than I know it, it was over.

And back to our seats with our transcript and degree in our hands. 2 pieces of paper.
Told you the balloons was routine.

Blur me.
Joshua and I

Me and Sasha!

A family.


When it is all family left and it was just Joshua and me. =)
To the Carpark..You can't expect me to wear the gown wherever I go right..

Off with the gown

Off with the collored shirt. And it is just me. =) Shirley.
And I'm a Singaporean who lives at Catstreet. In case you are checking the directory, it is not in it. I call it Catstreet because of the number of cats roaming just outside my house, supported by my neighbour.

I've recently graduated from NUS with a Arts and Social Science degree, majoring in Theatre Studies. In order to attain this degree, I must say, I've given up on some of my dreams or some would say.."ridiculous dreams". I seem to have lots of ridiculous ideas which was why I ended up as a Theatre Studies Major in the first place. My "ridiculous dreams"? It ranges from being a Ice-skater, Kidsparty planner and tour guide in a movie! Well, these are considered to be things that does not have a future? Which is the same thing they said about my major too!
Nonetheless, I'm still looking forward to my next phase in life--the WORKING WORLD! (With or without a future, Let's see how it goes.)
My previous experience of the WORKING WORLD! includes Redbull Mobile Team Girl, travelling around giving the blue and silver can to people, Mr. Bottle Kidsparty, going around celebrating kids' birthday parties, a trainer at Kainos Consultants etc.

I would have to say, I love working with kids. It gives me great satisfaction and joy to see kids enjoy themselves. I love being around, with and 'working' with them. They have this energy and life that penetrates with joy, hope, trust and lots of laughter!
Then again, I'll be honest. I've no professional training in managing nor planning events. Rather, I learn and picked up alot of those skills through my working experiences. And so, I hope that you would give me this opportunity to work with children and play a part to fulfill my 'ridiculous' dreams!
Thanks! Am I ready for the Working World? NOPE! Totally NOT! Hehe..But as for now..
But for is time to celebrate my graduation. With Joshua @ U.d.d.e.r.s. I would have to say that it is a pretty cool place! Yummy Ice-cream..
A Board to write on. Just before I consider myself as in the

workforce Full FORCE! And trying to keep the Lilies alive for as long as possible.

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