
Thursday, July 23, 2009


I can't go anywhere. Try my best not to go out. Not to do anything. Can't do much at home too. Only have lots of thoughts in my head. So, I guess blogging is the best thing to do to pass time.

One thing I must note though. The more "Intruders" I have, the more objective my posts have to be. I will have to be more responsible.

Have been thinking about WORK mainly last night. How to solve what I accidentally created. How to turn this accidental threat into an opportunity, make use of this and turn into a fortunate success. Making sense? Well, I think I get influence by the marketing book I was reading.

Shouldn't WORK be like that? Minimising threats and work on opportunities? Right? Well, at least I'm doing the best I can. =)
WORK's attitude will be different if it was posted by a customer. Hmm.

It gets irritating with WORK's comment. Not the whole of WORK. Just one. It becomes discouraging and insulting when one uses negative words. This is definitely not what WORK is about. The WORK I knew is about encouragment and improvement.

Wonder how M stands it.

WORK. I tend to have an attachment and personal feeling to it. But now, after negative words indirectly by one, I don't know where to place WORK now.

I'm still in the midst of thinking of putting WORK as strictly work? or keeping it the same way as it was before.

Is hard to place one too.
People have been respected for many things. Their ability to do things, their assets..status..power..etc.
Today, I realize that it is still best to be respected for your character. It is something people cannot snatch away from you with a snap of a finger. Nonetheless, it is something that have to be built overtime. A long long time.
While economic typhoon can rob you of your assets and age can rob you of your ability to do things, character is something that can't disappear just like that. As for power and status, it feels like mind games, you will always need to be at the top of your game..(Like those movies, such as mafia, huge company, rich family fighting for inheritance within themselves..)
What is people's respect for you built on?
What is people's respect for me built on?

Do I even have people respecting me? I need to work harder on my character.

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