
Wednesday, July 15, 2009


At forty, or fifty and even sixty, you would expect someone of that age know how to communicate properly. Those movies you see, the elders tend to have wise words from experience to share. But there are times..I hardly see any communication skills from my dad. Just like now..When he found his dvds missing and just asked Where?! Where?! Seriously, at his age, he can form complete polite sentences. But it was hard talking to him, not to mention heart to heart talk. Polite words like Hi and Thank you tends to be overly too soft to be heard and interrogating words like Where?! etc are loud and clear. Sometimes, it is difficult to feel that he loves. Definitely difficult to say that he is a great wonderful best dad in the world. it made him appear as rude and stern..someone I wouldn't wanna be close with. BUT at the end of the day, I know he loves me. Just needs some communication practice.

Personally, I think my dad has poor communication skills especially speaking "love".
More and more, I do see myself like my dad at times too. I can appear cold and cool without reponse. Looks like I gotta communicate more and practice and improve on my communication skills.
And at the end of the day when you ask yourself "why are they so distant from me?" Well, you can answer that yourself. It has to be the way you appear to others. If you appear friendly, of course people will come and talk and befriend you. You know what I mean..

Then you would say, but I'm like that. I'm cool and I am a girl/man with few words. I'm shy etc. And I would say. Do all babies know how to walk?
And you would say what has that got to do with anything.
Actually, I believe that we can all train ourselves to be friendly people. With smiles and take things positively. We all can. Is just to practice. Try and Improve. Just like a baby who learns who to walk. It takes time, practice, lots of encouragement and not giving up, in order to walk. The same way you learn English language. The same way you learn how to play the piano. The same way you learn to skate. You LEARN.

Those excuses of mine are no more. I'm gonna be a bubbly and lovable and friendly girl. And I'm gonna practice.

Then, I wouldn't want to end up like my aunt. She has good communication skills especially in her work with her bosses, workmates and customers. What scares me was not her at home (Private)but her at work. I find it such a pity that how can a lady who display such excellent patience in public can be so impatient at home. It maybe home as the only avenue to Fuss about and let go of her temper. But. BUT! before you say I agree. Think again. Shouldn't family be the ones you should respect and love the most? And thus, you should be most patient to them and not take advantage of your blood relation. Scaring me at work because it seemed like she has two faces. At home, or whenever she appears at my house, there is hardly peace and silence. It was loud talk. Loud Voice. Impatient. Though deep down, I believe she wants to be patient and gentle like she was at work, but long time training and practice, it becomes a habit. Communicating loudly and impatiently with family. At least she does not talk too toud to me. And when I see her at work, she turns almost a 180 degrees. Gentle and polite voice. Joking voice. Diplomatic voice. It became a stun for me. Somehow, I can't piece the 2 sides of her together.

And I wouldn't want to be like that. Having 2 impressions for people to see. I would prefer 1 impression. At home and outside to others. Just that right now, the 1 impression I have from others is cool and pretty qquiet. Which I will work on. I want to be the ideal girl that is always playing in my head. So, let's work together alright? =) Let's work to become a better person together.

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