
Thursday, July 23, 2009

thinking about H1N1

They said that it was gonna peak the next 2 weeks. But I'm not having a good feeling about it. Why? I think that the disease in my body is scheming! It always give me the feeling that I'm gonna heal and be well in no time, it suddenly attacked and landed me with a huge FLU the previous night. Thankfully, the worst is over. As for the fever, is tricky. Whenever I visit the doctor, the fever just knows how to run away. Undetectable by the doctor. And when I'm by myself, it quietly sneaks back. Have been taking my temperature regularly. There has finally been signs of recovery. My temperature is going DOWN! YEAH! But..of course, I'm still forbidden to schools. SKATING! I miss skating..Can't clock my training sessions.

Maybe there is a reason. It forces me to stay at home and think about my 'routine' Am I going for trainings on every mondays, tuesdays, thursdays and fridays and work on wednesdays only? Is this a wise decision? Moreover, how much can I earn?

Can I talk about last night first? ok. Last night, as I was having dinner with Joshua at Turtle soup.. WAH SEH..Initially, I thought I could enjoy myself eating yummy food and drinking their yummy soup. But I DID NOT FINISH my food. The egg I love to eat suddenly didn't seem appetizing to me at all. And my head was a little stress. Tried to smile and laugh as JX was playing his new toy, but I hardly had the energy to support myself. And then the feeling came.

Now what is the FEELING?
It is called the FEELING of vomiting and fainting. (Beginning stage)

And Usually, I dislike tears and crying. But last night, my mindset has changed. =) Tears do help prevent bigger 'horrible' things to happen. As I got into the car and teared and took in huge amount of air..the "FEELING" vanished into thin air. =)

PHEW! And soon after, I was bouncing about again. Sometimes, it is ok to cry. NOT TOO MUCH..just a little will do..
It releases toxic in your body! (OK, do not quote me)

IN FACT, do not quote me at all! Whatever is in my blog, stays in my blog. =) ok. =) I should put a disclaimer. ok. Gonna add it right now.

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