
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

thinking about

Muahaha..Of course I pick Buffet over training. In theory, I had to help my mum present a blog idea for WORK (Which is going to change name) and it means that I need to do more WORK. Well, I can think of it this way. I'm being rewarded for my long hours of Blog doing with a Buffet Treat!

And guess what? My mum was really happy when the bosses said OK! And they kept praising me as a Fantastic Job Well Done. But I'm thinking..Is it that Fantastic? I was a tiny bit flattered. =) And of course, the basic thing was to have good english sentences posted on the blog..(Writing like this is unacceptable!!!)

I know it is a Image thing and I totally understand.

And I got a nmessage from Jerald, (Head Coach of Training) saying that BAD!!!
Ok. Get this right. This is not because I did not come for training and went for buffet. Get the facts right. He said that it was bad because AMK primary and Delta High School cancelled skating sessions with him due to H1N1.

H1N1 is doing such great publicity that lots of people are losing business.. stay healthy yeah. Health is extremely important!

Well, it means that my plan of finishing 20 sessions of training is being delayed once again. Things hardly go according to plan right..

8 more training sessions to go!!!

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