
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Love Story

To my dearest Musketeer, Sweet Heart Joshua, You did it! I'm so proud of you! A Silver! I love training with Joshua by the way. It is a perfect opportunity for me to get fit as well. Not that I love running. I run more than the passion. I run for the challenge. And for a fit body. Hehe. Running is a good sport to keep in shape definitely especially for the legs. 2.4km. To have tone and great looking legs! Sprinting is not advisable.

Anyway, I woke up upon hearing Joshua's ringring and picked up the phone just to hear his voice first thing in the morning. Blessed me!

He called me to announce the good news! SIlver = 200 bucks! And recently, while he keeps wanting to buy the Power Tap from OTO, I kept havng him to delay the buy until after IPPT as a reward. And strangely today, he decided to wait longer for his card to come along before the purchase.

We had Breakfast at The Coffee Bean at Parkway. =) The good thing about this is that, it is Breakfast all Day! Fabulous! You know fast food always have this "until 11" thing going on. And this is all day! I always wake up late especially on Saturdays. Thus, it is a fantastic idea to have a Breakfast all Day.

And I had pretty good music for entertainment just across the floor by Gramophone!
And why do I believe that it is such a fabulous deal? Because..the taste of the food is really worth it! Have you ever seen an ad that paints a picture with their beautiful words and when you experience it is like OK......................Yup. There is the salad you said you had. The drink you had but you go through the list of things they promise you, you can't fault them BUT you did not derive the satisfaction you had imagine. Well, this is different! Every dish, from the Orange Juice I had to the Salmon to the Salad. It is fantastically delicious! It is yummy! And I totally had my satisfaction 100%. That's why!
Even the food looks really colourful.
My dish. Oh! I love the cranberry. YUM YUM and SWEET!
Joshua's dish.
2 HAPPY CUSTOMERS! And with that, THE COFFEE BEAN deserves WORD-OF MOUTH from me! Thumbs UP!

Talking about Gramaphone, I went straight ahead to the headphones and listen to music for FREE! Haha..ok lah. But I do enjoy doing that. And I'm not a free loader ok!

Cause Joshua actually asked me if I wanted to buy a CD since I have not finish listening to whatever I was listening. And He bought me a Taylor Swift's Album "FEARLESS" !!! If he had not asked, I would never ask him to buy me a CD. I don't know why..even though I may want it. Well, partly, I know extremely well that I should not spent my money just like that especially during this period of time. Just until I got a 'stable' part-time job that allows me to earn enough, before I reward myself. I'm BEHIND schedule with my rewards! But how can I reward myself without doing the thing I set out to do right?

I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT! Ok. I never heard of her before until one day I heard this song "Love Story" playing on radio and I was in love with the song. The Tune and definitely the words about Prince and Princess. I think I still have this secret secret wish to be a princess.

But as of Thursday, I know how to be a princess! And I'm gonna be one. I have a Role MODEL! A character from Protecting Princess, called Rosie. Hehe. =) Ok. It is late. I really do need to end my post. =) Gotta go to Church tml!

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