
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Last night, my illness peaked quickly when I was starting to feel unwell yesterday.
It started with a tiny sore throat but not that bad. And I went to Northlight for skating training. Had to take my temperature 3 times. The first 2 times were 37.6..Until the third time, it was 36.5..

Was it the hot weather? Or the fever took cover and hid from the thermometer? I'm not sure. After which, I went home to shower, before going to Down Town East to watch Harry Potter's 4 plus movie. Such a long movie I must say. And I wished that there was more teamwork with the 3 best friends. But lots of attention was given to Dumbledore. I guess it was because he died in the end. WHY MUST HE DIE!!!! Stupid Snape. Smack him.

Anyway, near the end of the movie, I was beginning to feel cold. Shivering..And wore both my Jacket and JX's Jacket. JX was sweet enough to drive me to a place where there is porriage. Since I wanted to eat porriage for dinner. (I only eat porriage when I feel like my body is getting weaker and cold) Thus, the fastest way to gain heat is to eat porriage. Ate while wearing my jacket on. And reaching back home, my head seems much heavier. My mind was working minimal..(Obeying orders only)..

Back Home, I rested while JX went back home. I think he shouldn't accompany me any further. Check my mail for a short while and realise that i'm up for today's skating class at 830am at bukit timah primary school and Northlight at 1pm. Wah, super not worth it lah. Plus I was feeling sick and weak. I would be crazy to get up at 630am...So, I message head coah that I will not be able to attend this whole week's sessions. Including Thursday and Friday. I should rest. Moreover..I believe that it was a wise decision. Ate medication. Switch off the lights..switch on the fan, and hid myself under the blanket. (WHICH I do not normally do)

Initially, it felt good. Warm and Cosy. But I know that my body was getting hot. I knew I was having fever. Confirm. The funny thing about fever is that as your body is getting hot (outside), you feel chill(inside). So it was a little shiok to have the blanket. And drinking water..I feel asleep. Only to wake up soon..Because I need to go to the washroom. Drank more water and feel asleep again. Soon after..I woke up again. My head was painful. I guess I got too hot. But weak and sleepy..and half-conscious, thinking that I was actually climbing down my bed and getting things done, I was still actually on my bed. Finally, I managed to get out of my bed for real. Was thankful that I had a mini towel with me(Which I usually do not have)..Hmm..(Intuition told me I needed a small towel?) Wet the towel..Climb up my bed..put the towel on my forehead. Drank water. And doze off to sleep again. Woke up go and change towel..use the washroom..Drank water..slept again. Woke up again due to body aches that made my yearn for a head massage, back and shoulder massage..Went to the washroom again..Drank water..Fell asleep. I have no idea how many times I woke up but i'm pretty sure that was the last few of it..The next time I woke up was early morning at 8 plus..with a confuse body..not sure if I was cold or hot. Decided to switch on the air-con for a while and hide under the blanket. Switch off the fan..Drank the last few mouths of water left in my bottle..drowsy..fell into sub-conscious..finally deciding to call JX at about 9am. Before I said good night and slept all the way till 11am. Wow..

Actually, I did quite a lot of things, since I slept at 9plus pm last night. Luckily I told head coach that I can't cause I really cannot. I will be using this whole week to recuperate. So no worries. But of course, I had all symptons except for a tiny flu that means according to the newspaper..those who have flu have higher risk of being a H1N1..And then, I sneeze! Great! I got the last sympton. Although I really believe that I do not have H1N1, since I believe that what i'm having was from JX and I already have a whole lot of medication cause my mei too had all these rubbish a few weeks ago, far worse than me and is not a H1N1..BUT I shall still be a responsible Singaporean and visit a doctor this afternoon with my mum.

Am I still having fever? I don't think so le leh. My forehead is not hot anymore nor feverish. NOt having cough cough. Nor flu..still having sore throat but is recovering feeling. aches still have a little..yearning for a massage still.. Body is still weak. Not as weak as last night though.

Still, all of these can't compare to what I had last year. Of a unknown reason for breathing problem. That was like, I had no idea when was my last breath. But I recovered miraculously..spending loads of money, trying to find out why to no avail. I guess, that is something that will remain with me always.

So, just in case, stay away from me ok. =)

And when will I finish my 20 sessions? Argh! So long! I'm still at my 14th session. 6 more to go. And I know..It is like i'm being cheated right..I know I know. But compare to playing a piano grade 8 and violin grade know what has been playing in my head? Skating. I love skating much more than piano and violin. But I will still do my grade 8 cause I said so. At least, it will be a useful skill. I can play piano or violin in future for service. Maybe is the idea of being judge at which grade you are that piss me off. Ok. I should go buy my books soon.

OK! my mum called me! Going to see the doctor now. =) =(

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