
Saturday, January 30, 2010


YES! The day is finally over! My work I mean. Haiz. It is so hard to blog without mentioning the name of the company I'm working. Cause like copyright issues and privacy confidentiality etc...And the thing is..I'm working like 35 hours a week! How can I possibly not talk about my work? OK! HUSH!

Alright. Nothing much. Just that there is no new student today. Aiyoh...
What's with CNY anyway? Why do people wanna start after CNY? It is becoming a common reason. Well..

The reason why I blogged today is to talk about JOSHUA! He got me 2 seashells he picked up along East Coast while doing his Run! A new collection to my seashells! It is such a good gift to give seashells to your girlfriend. Just in case you are thinking of buying a rose for her again. Seashells do just great! =)

Joshua didn't know that I had a seashell collection. Well, it is not that big of a collection and I kinda forgot I have a seashell collection until he gave me those seashells. When I was in Pri 6, I had a craze for seashells and thus, I got some..from beaches and some from my pri 6 best friend. Best friend in the sense that we are not close but somehow I just love her the most out of all my other friends. Haha..For the one I can talk lots of stuff with, I call them my buddies. Haha..Ok.

So where are my seashells collection? Well, over the years they collected dust and once in a blue moon when I do my spring cleaning of my room, I will have to wipe the dust accumulated off them. =( So I decided that the best is to put them in a bottle with those saga seeds and let it be displayed and remain pretty always without getting dusty! Then I wouldn't have to take so much time to wipe the dust off. I just need to clean the bottle.

But where am I gonna put Joshua's gift? I'm still thinking of a good place since it is a special gift. I should create a good location for it. Currently, it is with one of my big shells that I'm unable to put into the bottle..So..most probably, i will put it in my music box/accessory box as a display for myself whenever I open my accessory box. I great reminder of Joshua! Even in my accessory box!

Joshua went to get his car done again. Can't wait to see it! 2mm THICK!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Evening YOz.

Evening everyone. Wonder how is everyone's day..Well, I'm really hoping that I can do what I set out to do and provide my mum with another 74 students within 3 months, meaning, I need like haha..25 students each month. I'm wondering..How am I gonna do that. Like really..How? meaning 6 a week. Ok. That's gonna be tough. But I will do my best dear all. I will. Cheers to Shirley! =)

Actually, i shouldn't be that stress out. Why? Cause as long as one parent introduce one of their friends, I will have almost 150 le which is the target I need to meet! OK! =) Haha...

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Love a Day Off.

Today is a my day off!
It feels funny that everyone, most people would have to work on Mondays and here I am! At home! Resting! Haha, It definitely feels good till about now when the day is almost over and you find that it is not all that fun at all to be free when hardly anyone is. But still, I ejoyed my rest. AND YESTERDAY's Holiday to Malaysia! Wee!
Thank God for the safe journey to Malaysia and back. Joshua anf I went to Malaysia and watched Movie LEGION!
Actually, it is quite scary for me. The way possessed humans set up a trap to get another human to help..Seriously, do they do that?

Anyway, after that, we went to woodlands and ate Nasi with Otah and HUGE LALAs! ANd Rojak combined with Favourite coconut drink. YUMMY! Tummy pain today though. Too spicy and oily though delicious. Haha.

Ok time to change bedsheet!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Start Work TML!

Can't believe it! My mum totally forgot to inform me that I have to work tml. It was suppose to be Thursday. If I had not overheard the conversation while she was talking on the phone, I would have no idea that I'm suppose to work tml! Dangz. Well, I complained to my mum about it and she was like I thought when I informed G I informed you..Well, I have to say that informing G is informing G. It does not mean it will automatically inform me. So shocked and mentally unprepared! Still thinking of going out tml..Well, my mum said sorry and she really can't defend herself and I have to accept the face and pardon her since she is my mummy. She better not do this to me again. It will really hurt our relationship if this becomes a habit.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Beach Out!

I went to beach out with Joshua yesterday! Haha..
I had a wonderful time with Joshua.

Thank you Sweet Heart Joshua for taking a day off just to spend time with me.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Super Paiseh

Haizyar..Since it already happen, I'd rather be the one telling you all then my mum telling you all about it.

Yup. I'm blogging right after I have cooked Dinner. FIRST DINNER in 2010. And GREAT THINGS happen. Well, I wanted to cook, but I know I'm not as skillful as compared to many of you there. So, I always need my mum's help except for the second meal. Ok. I was cooking vegetables, and my mum adviced me to cook the stems of the vegetables first, so the leafs will not turn yellow when you stir fry them later on. And guess what, I did as I was boil the stems first and I did that by letting the leafs hang out of the pan.....................................It was alright initially but the heat and all cause the leafs of my vegetables to drop down and tadah..some leafs kana burnt without even me noticing it. Ok. And when my mum came to check on me she was like..Make the fire smaller and stuff and said, "First time I see people cooking with the leafs hanging out." And as a uneducated girl in cooking..I replied. "But didn't you say just cook the stem. I did as I was told.."

My mum was actually expecting me to cut the vegetables first, seperating the leafs and the stem and then boil the stem. NOW...Why didn't I think of that? Well, Thanks be to God that my mum saved the vegetables and I carried on with the cooking..My mum thinks is super funny. That How can anyone just let the leafs hang out of the pan. Well..There you go..I DID IT.

Haha..Ok. At least I'm proud to say that I'm learning how to cook right now ok. I wouldn't wanna reach the day when I have my own kitchen and Joshua is waiting for my fabulous dishes and I don't know how to cook. So, Let's treat this as a tutorial, a lesson learnt. I may even be better than you all in time to come. =)

HAHA..come to think of it. I'm super ridiculous for cooking the way I did. Now I know..
Well..Sweet Heart, I'm not sure if I will be telling you later about it. I mean it is paiseh know. I'd rather tell you here. At least, I'm not paiseh in front of you. Like face to face. At least when you read it here,, you know too..but I will still have some face for myself. HAHA>>>>>

Ok. Hope Joshua is coming soon. OH! Gotta check if my rice is ready! TATA!

My hand smells..Dangz..This is the part I hate aout cooking. The after effect of smelly hands no matter how much dettol you use to scrub your hands. They say vinegar works in taking out all the smell. Does it? Hmm...


Can't believe it! I just received a SMS from parents and they have decided that the kids should stop with one of the Lessons..But continue with Maths Tuition.

Perhaps it is for the better for them. Gotta concentrate on school stuff..I guess it is better for me too. In terms of having to juggle with my full-time job soon. Next Thursday! That's fast. But I'm ready. Finally. I'm ready for a full-time job. =)

I have started to read 5 love languages and beautiful in God's eyes.
It is way easier reading 5 love language than beautiful in God's eyes. It is the style of how the writers wrote them. Ok. Gotta go.

I will be going to the centre today. Excited.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Just in case you are wondering what "LBBF" stands stands for "Let's be better Friends". A mini project that we came up with to build our friendship to a level where we can share about everything!
At PS Pastamania..Having problems uploading the photos on Facebook. Oh well..I shall just upload here first. Haha..Can't believe it we've known each other for coming to 10 years le!!! Argh! TIME FLIES!!! Well..this project really coincides with my 2010 resolution..which is to have closer friends whom I can depend on, share with and be each other pillar of support!
I have yet to receive mine. I took a shot with Patricia with the presents. But since it is Krys present, I shall not post it yet. If not, there will no longer be a surprise the next time we meet. And I hope I will remember to bring her present From Pat. Me and Patricia.
Jenna's present to Szewei.
Jenna and SzeWei.
The Four of Us.
Ok. DOn't mind the bears below. But let me introduce them to you.

Sasha, Whitie(Apple/Peach), Xiao Mian Yang (Allyson) and Stitch. I know I'm not creative with the names..but these are my bears..

I'm feeling extremely full right now. I think the Dong Hai effect since lunch is still there.
Joshua and I need to frequent to expensive places LESSER! Gotta remember that.

Really gotta sleep soon. Have Service. On top of that..Gotta reach Church earlier as I'm playing piano. Love you all! Oh I bought 2 books just now while I was at Kovan with Joy after our practice..tell you about it later. Needa GO! Tata.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Being Pretty

1st Peter 3: 3-4
"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

Well, I'm still working towards this hairstyle. Just saw it on the website and I think it looks great! Of course, beauty from inner self is more important than the outer appearance.

May I say something? Though I'm beginning to like to dress up..(Which takes effort and I'm still not used to the effort to look good) I need to be able to be comfortable in the clothes I wear, meaning still being able to get my pretty dress dirty..I don't need to go to a high class place just to accomodate my dress. Why spoil the date because of the dress you are wearing? I can still go to a hawker centre to eat. That would be pretty.

Finally Done.

I have finally recategorized my blog posts. Tiring process. Glance through many stuffs..Lots of thoughts sparked in my mind. Can't pinpoint where to start.

Ok. I know. To Start. Is I'm actually much more blessed than I thought. That's the good thing for remembering the good. I shall focus on remembering the good and building up my character.
I shared with Joshua about my surprise Christmas present for him this year. Haha..Is Jan. I know!

Well, being a couple, and if you want to be best of friends couple, I realise that I have to share everything. Even the surprise that I'm preparing for him. Isn't it even better that he can be part of the surprise process. It makes the surprise even more meaningful. AND! SInce it is a surprise, your surprise for him, He can't make all the decisions. Cause it is your surprise for him. HAH! Smart right! But remember, since it is your surprise to him, you have to pay the bill yeah..OK. I have to pay the bill.

My surprise Christmas present for Joshua this year is to bring him on a holiday. Overseas trip! This decemeber. To a place where he has not been before. Haha..Probably for a week bah. Wah Seh..that's gonna be expensive. that then can enjoy mah..I'm in a good mood today.

Can't believe it. I'm actually having mood swings. Feeling like crap the night before and now, I'm on top of the world. Hello Shirley..Can yo be more stable. Be Objective CAN! Then you will not be having random mood swings! I really need to scold myself. I deserve it. NOT FROM YOU THOUGH!

Tata..Gotta complete my to do list today.

The Problem is ME.

OK. Lets skip the outrageous dream I had. I can't even identify my gender. Missing lover's things..have 2 girls with a crush on me..people getting possessed...It is just messy.

What I want to say is the faults of Me. It is hard admitting it. But I'm sure lots of people know about it. And I have been so procrastinating about admitting it till last night. Damn it. OK..mind my words.

Is about me losing control of myself all the time.

In my first relationship..why am I talking about it? Well, I had to do some categorising of my post and have to glance through them. Might as well admit my mistakes..since I want my old post to stay..Why let it stay in my blog and run away from it?

In my first relationship..Which I state still, was a complete mightmare..disaster..Right from the beginning. But get to the point alright. Midway..I get clingy to R. What I expect was unconsiderate. Come to think about it. While I gave all my free time to R = Time after school and lots of sleep.., I expect R to do the same. And this means that both of us, other than each other, have no time to meet friends..etc..You know, when you close up your, I become narrow minded. Become self-centered which really leads to paranoia. So problems..many problems start to surface. But this is one of the few root problems. Ended. I'm so glad!

In my 2nd relationship, which was a relationship of dream come true, with my crush..then..Improved a little. Maybe he was my crush so I let him have his way and also there was the army factor, that really didn't give him much time. And there was the part of me wanting to be a fun-loving understanding girlfriend. So..the improvement was, I would let him do what he wants with his free time. Meet with friends etc, while I on my part, keep my time free whenever he books out of camp. whether or not we say we are gonna meet or not. So sometimes, when we do not meet, I get bored. But it wasn't that bad as because of his army travels..I would be meeting my friends and going out. Though my world was not as closed up as the first, it was still closed up.

I must say the only time I open up my world was when I'm transiting from one relationship to another. Why? Because it is only during that time, I did not let my partner take first priority and I put myself first. And I didn't care how they feel. And only meet them when I do wanna meet them..Unlike in the first relationship..even upon going to his place..I ask myself, " Why am I even going? I have no mood to go..."Plus school was taking its toil on me. Still, I went. Whatever..

Now in this relationship. Definitely there is going to be timing clashes. Especially my work. As much as i do not want it to happen. But that really isn't the problem. The problem is still that..I wouldn't feel like meeting my friends (Sorry about it..) when Joshua is free. It is this thing that I have been practising that got stucked with me. Which Is totally bad. Because, I can see my world is beginning to narrow down and I do not want that to happen. And I know. I so know where this path will take me. It will make me clingy to Joshua. It will get me self-centered..becoming so much more emotional and paranoid. And I do not want that. What's wrong with me that I can't say "Hey! I'm meeting my friends on blah blah day at what time. Is it ok?" And he will say "Yeah it is ok." The thing is I don't ask. I will try to schedule in a way that it wouldn't clash with Joshua then I will tell him.

Darnz...But you know..things happen. This friday's meeting with the girls. there is a clash. Unexpected one. Usually Joshua has his cell group thingy going on. But in the end..not this week. Oh well..That's life. Unpredictable. Well, cause, I'm force to confront this issue. After many years. I really do not want nor need another relationship to figure this out. I'm gonna use this one to figure it out. Cause I do wanna be with Joshua. OK.

GOtta go.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Idea for a Date.

To all..If you have ran out of ideas on what "special" things to do on a date, here is a suggestion. =)
A SteamBoat at Home. Who says that you have to go out for a SteamBoat? Just be sure which room of your house you are having your steamboat.

1. People
2. A Electric Multi Cooker from Takada (So that you can do other forms of cooking as well if steamboat does not appeal to you)
3. Food Ingredients (We had fishballs, tofu, crab sticks, vegetables, noodles, mushrooms and dumplings and apple juice) *Do not buy in bulk if it is just the 2 of you!
4. Utensils
5. Table
6. A location (We picked my bedroom..)
7. A TV. (Optional) We watched Spiderman 3 showing on channel 5.

You may think that it is a bad idea to have it in the bedroom because it will stink up the whole place. Even your pillow and your favourite blanket. And Yup it did! But thanks for a thing called the Ionizer! It removes all smell!

Boiling with great aroma!
A note.
Well, you will need to be mentally prepared that a meal like this would cost as much as eating out in some fast food restaurant. On top of that! You will stink up and have to do all the cleaning of the dishes after your meal! Personally, I do not suggest the bedroom. If you have another small TV room, that would be a better option. Nonetheless, it is a experience for both Joshua and I. Just need to make sure that both party are agreeable to the idea..Not everyone will want to do this.

OK! I need to go to work le! Maths tuition to my favourite kids! And a little something..Oh! They love the Christmas present I gave them! Wee!

Thank you Sweet Heart for a wonderful night. =) Enjoyed myself!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Unexpected New Year

Happy New Year to all! Hope that your Countdown Celebration was Great! BUT! May the year of 2010 be of great blessings and a fulfilling one. =)

Well, I had a unexpected year 2010 on the second day. Which is today. The first voice I heard was my mum, saying "Tong ah.." Now, that is uncommon. Common only when she wants me to do something. For today's request was to go and work...

Naturally, I was unwilling and didn't want to answer her at all. She took my silence as a YES. That's for being a daughter. Thankfully, Joshua was understanding about the situation and even drove me to work, and bought Lunch for ME! Char Kuay Teow and Coconut Drink. So, I'm happy! I'm bless!

Right now, Joshua is buying beef Kuay Teow for me! For Dinner! I love you Joshua! =)

Work was alright. Administrative stuff. It was good. I had a chat with a few parents. Found out things I still need to work on. And Still in love with Joshua. I just can't bear the idea of the days when I have to work every Saturday. Then..we will be having lesser time together. So, I hope that for this year, as Joshua and I, though we may be having lesser time together, we the time that we share together will be so much more meaningful, treasured and for us to grow as a couple. =) This is my hope.

I do too want to go for a Mission Trip this year. Bring Joy to people around me. Bring someone to Christ.

This is my hope for my life. (And eventually, to have better working hours)

So for updates, Christmas Eve.

I love this shot. Well, Joshua is with his iPod Touch like now. =) Its his favourite toy!
And took some photos from Orchard and Man! It was crowded!
Christmas. We went to Joshua's grandma's house. And there was Wii to play with. Its fun and enjoyable. Something simple. Haha..
Just in case you are wondering what game they are playing..

I had my hair pinned up again before to my own grandma's house.
Back view. How did I do it? Well, I don't really have an idea. I just twist my hair. Hold it with my hands and used pins to pin it up so it stays in place. Waiting for the day when I can do a high bun up!

New Year's Eve. =) Dolled up for a special day. Well, Joshua looks extremely charming in his new Jacket too!
We ended up at Cine after getting his long awaited blues driver for his electric guitar..and ate at a new fast food restaurant. Haha..
Opps. Sorry. Forgot to take photo of the food. It is extremely filling. Do note: Do not wear tight clothing if you want to eat there. My tummy was ahhemmm..after the meal.
Went back home before our church services and Joshua immediately began exploring with his new found effects..Blues Driver that will give a warm creamy sound.(In blue) And FAB Distortion. (In red)
New Year's Day! Went to town and we saw Mich! The celeb with her hubby! At Taka. Haha, that's the first thing that came to mind.
Simplist most common way of me picking clothes is to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. Done. Slept really late the day before. My skin really needs a break. So no make-up on.
But Joshua brought me to Crystal Jade Xiao Long Bao, La Mian..To eat! YUM YUM!

I love the dessert. Ok. I really wanna company Joshua right now. =)

Thank You Sweet Heart for DINNER!