
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Super Paiseh

Haizyar..Since it already happen, I'd rather be the one telling you all then my mum telling you all about it.

Yup. I'm blogging right after I have cooked Dinner. FIRST DINNER in 2010. And GREAT THINGS happen. Well, I wanted to cook, but I know I'm not as skillful as compared to many of you there. So, I always need my mum's help except for the second meal. Ok. I was cooking vegetables, and my mum adviced me to cook the stems of the vegetables first, so the leafs will not turn yellow when you stir fry them later on. And guess what, I did as I was boil the stems first and I did that by letting the leafs hang out of the pan.....................................It was alright initially but the heat and all cause the leafs of my vegetables to drop down and tadah..some leafs kana burnt without even me noticing it. Ok. And when my mum came to check on me she was like..Make the fire smaller and stuff and said, "First time I see people cooking with the leafs hanging out." And as a uneducated girl in cooking..I replied. "But didn't you say just cook the stem. I did as I was told.."

My mum was actually expecting me to cut the vegetables first, seperating the leafs and the stem and then boil the stem. NOW...Why didn't I think of that? Well, Thanks be to God that my mum saved the vegetables and I carried on with the cooking..My mum thinks is super funny. That How can anyone just let the leafs hang out of the pan. Well..There you go..I DID IT.

Haha..Ok. At least I'm proud to say that I'm learning how to cook right now ok. I wouldn't wanna reach the day when I have my own kitchen and Joshua is waiting for my fabulous dishes and I don't know how to cook. So, Let's treat this as a tutorial, a lesson learnt. I may even be better than you all in time to come. =)

HAHA..come to think of it. I'm super ridiculous for cooking the way I did. Now I know..
Well..Sweet Heart, I'm not sure if I will be telling you later about it. I mean it is paiseh know. I'd rather tell you here. At least, I'm not paiseh in front of you. Like face to face. At least when you read it here,, you know too..but I will still have some face for myself. HAHA>>>>>

Ok. Hope Joshua is coming soon. OH! Gotta check if my rice is ready! TATA!

My hand smells..Dangz..This is the part I hate aout cooking. The after effect of smelly hands no matter how much dettol you use to scrub your hands. They say vinegar works in taking out all the smell. Does it? Hmm...

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