
Saturday, January 30, 2010


YES! The day is finally over! My work I mean. Haiz. It is so hard to blog without mentioning the name of the company I'm working. Cause like copyright issues and privacy confidentiality etc...And the thing is..I'm working like 35 hours a week! How can I possibly not talk about my work? OK! HUSH!

Alright. Nothing much. Just that there is no new student today. Aiyoh...
What's with CNY anyway? Why do people wanna start after CNY? It is becoming a common reason. Well..

The reason why I blogged today is to talk about JOSHUA! He got me 2 seashells he picked up along East Coast while doing his Run! A new collection to my seashells! It is such a good gift to give seashells to your girlfriend. Just in case you are thinking of buying a rose for her again. Seashells do just great! =)

Joshua didn't know that I had a seashell collection. Well, it is not that big of a collection and I kinda forgot I have a seashell collection until he gave me those seashells. When I was in Pri 6, I had a craze for seashells and thus, I got some..from beaches and some from my pri 6 best friend. Best friend in the sense that we are not close but somehow I just love her the most out of all my other friends. Haha..For the one I can talk lots of stuff with, I call them my buddies. Haha..Ok.

So where are my seashells collection? Well, over the years they collected dust and once in a blue moon when I do my spring cleaning of my room, I will have to wipe the dust accumulated off them. =( So I decided that the best is to put them in a bottle with those saga seeds and let it be displayed and remain pretty always without getting dusty! Then I wouldn't have to take so much time to wipe the dust off. I just need to clean the bottle.

But where am I gonna put Joshua's gift? I'm still thinking of a good place since it is a special gift. I should create a good location for it. Currently, it is with one of my big shells that I'm unable to put into the bottle..So..most probably, i will put it in my music box/accessory box as a display for myself whenever I open my accessory box. I great reminder of Joshua! Even in my accessory box!

Joshua went to get his car done again. Can't wait to see it! 2mm THICK!

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