
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Finally Done.

I have finally recategorized my blog posts. Tiring process. Glance through many stuffs..Lots of thoughts sparked in my mind. Can't pinpoint where to start.

Ok. I know. To Start. Is I'm actually much more blessed than I thought. That's the good thing for remembering the good. I shall focus on remembering the good and building up my character.
I shared with Joshua about my surprise Christmas present for him this year. Haha..Is Jan. I know!

Well, being a couple, and if you want to be best of friends couple, I realise that I have to share everything. Even the surprise that I'm preparing for him. Isn't it even better that he can be part of the surprise process. It makes the surprise even more meaningful. AND! SInce it is a surprise, your surprise for him, He can't make all the decisions. Cause it is your surprise for him. HAH! Smart right! But remember, since it is your surprise to him, you have to pay the bill yeah..OK. I have to pay the bill.

My surprise Christmas present for Joshua this year is to bring him on a holiday. Overseas trip! This decemeber. To a place where he has not been before. Haha..Probably for a week bah. Wah Seh..that's gonna be expensive. that then can enjoy mah..I'm in a good mood today.

Can't believe it. I'm actually having mood swings. Feeling like crap the night before and now, I'm on top of the world. Hello Shirley..Can yo be more stable. Be Objective CAN! Then you will not be having random mood swings! I really need to scold myself. I deserve it. NOT FROM YOU THOUGH!

Tata..Gotta complete my to do list today.

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