
Saturday, January 9, 2010


Just in case you are wondering what "LBBF" stands stands for "Let's be better Friends". A mini project that we came up with to build our friendship to a level where we can share about everything!
At PS Pastamania..Having problems uploading the photos on Facebook. Oh well..I shall just upload here first. Haha..Can't believe it we've known each other for coming to 10 years le!!! Argh! TIME FLIES!!! Well..this project really coincides with my 2010 resolution..which is to have closer friends whom I can depend on, share with and be each other pillar of support!
I have yet to receive mine. I took a shot with Patricia with the presents. But since it is Krys present, I shall not post it yet. If not, there will no longer be a surprise the next time we meet. And I hope I will remember to bring her present From Pat. Me and Patricia.
Jenna's present to Szewei.
Jenna and SzeWei.
The Four of Us.
Ok. DOn't mind the bears below. But let me introduce them to you.

Sasha, Whitie(Apple/Peach), Xiao Mian Yang (Allyson) and Stitch. I know I'm not creative with the names..but these are my bears..

I'm feeling extremely full right now. I think the Dong Hai effect since lunch is still there.
Joshua and I need to frequent to expensive places LESSER! Gotta remember that.

Really gotta sleep soon. Have Service. On top of that..Gotta reach Church earlier as I'm playing piano. Love you all! Oh I bought 2 books just now while I was at Kovan with Joy after our practice..tell you about it later. Needa GO! Tata.

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