
Monday, January 25, 2010

I Love a Day Off.

Today is a my day off!
It feels funny that everyone, most people would have to work on Mondays and here I am! At home! Resting! Haha, It definitely feels good till about now when the day is almost over and you find that it is not all that fun at all to be free when hardly anyone is. But still, I ejoyed my rest. AND YESTERDAY's Holiday to Malaysia! Wee!
Thank God for the safe journey to Malaysia and back. Joshua anf I went to Malaysia and watched Movie LEGION!
Actually, it is quite scary for me. The way possessed humans set up a trap to get another human to help..Seriously, do they do that?

Anyway, after that, we went to woodlands and ate Nasi with Otah and HUGE LALAs! ANd Rojak combined with Favourite coconut drink. YUMMY! Tummy pain today though. Too spicy and oily though delicious. Haha.

Ok time to change bedsheet!

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