
Monday, January 4, 2010

Idea for a Date.

To all..If you have ran out of ideas on what "special" things to do on a date, here is a suggestion. =)
A SteamBoat at Home. Who says that you have to go out for a SteamBoat? Just be sure which room of your house you are having your steamboat.

1. People
2. A Electric Multi Cooker from Takada (So that you can do other forms of cooking as well if steamboat does not appeal to you)
3. Food Ingredients (We had fishballs, tofu, crab sticks, vegetables, noodles, mushrooms and dumplings and apple juice) *Do not buy in bulk if it is just the 2 of you!
4. Utensils
5. Table
6. A location (We picked my bedroom..)
7. A TV. (Optional) We watched Spiderman 3 showing on channel 5.

You may think that it is a bad idea to have it in the bedroom because it will stink up the whole place. Even your pillow and your favourite blanket. And Yup it did! But thanks for a thing called the Ionizer! It removes all smell!

Boiling with great aroma!
A note.
Well, you will need to be mentally prepared that a meal like this would cost as much as eating out in some fast food restaurant. On top of that! You will stink up and have to do all the cleaning of the dishes after your meal! Personally, I do not suggest the bedroom. If you have another small TV room, that would be a better option. Nonetheless, it is a experience for both Joshua and I. Just need to make sure that both party are agreeable to the idea..Not everyone will want to do this.

OK! I need to go to work le! Maths tuition to my favourite kids! And a little something..Oh! They love the Christmas present I gave them! Wee!

Thank you Sweet Heart for a wonderful night. =) Enjoyed myself!

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