
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

prelude-birthday celebration

nothing much just that i had a 'nightmare' just last night about it..nothing bad happen except just that there was no food, no bbq pit..everything was disorganized and haha..i was running up and down the stairs not sure looking for what..continuously...this birthday thing is actually having effects in my dream! gosh! i mean it felt pretty real you know and in my dream i told myself..why come up with this idea girl!!! anyway, don't be worried. cause i will take time to prepare the food and stuffs ok so don't case you think that it wiill really end up coming w/o food and blah blah..haha..don't worry! i know that i only decided on it like on sat and started calling pple on sunday but not to worry! one week is enough! haha sounds like i'm assuring myself..oh and some people asked me what i want..hmm, actually a bit tempted to think what i really want and pen it down for you all to see..but nah..if not there won't be an element of surprise le plus..people might buy the same stuff! if you wanna get me something..get me something but not too expensive alright..but most importantly you must have the thought while buying it and not just buy for the sake of getting it! haha..wallet, tops, pencil case, whatever..oh! most importantly just come to the bbq..cause food is prepared! haha..hmm..anythign else? i for got what i wanna say distracted by the songs of不能说的秘密..when i remember i tell you ba. but i think most prob not hahah

Sunday, August 26, 2007

tiring weekend! : )

hey hey!!i'm back from my weekend schedule!! haha..i must say, it has been pretty tiring! Oh man until got side effects le. i find myself with no time to reflect and hence blog!! and it is not ok! cause i havent had enough rest too! but i must say that i kinda enjoty my time..for worship at 10am..or rather the prac for sunday's worship! cause it is a time where i find myself being able to concentrate on the words most! rather than on that day it self!.. Anyway, i brought baby;s camera to let sw..supposedly the expert in cameras and video stuff to check it out. well, he says that the only bad thing is that the iso can't be is auto..and that it is good and suitable more for bright places for a clear and sharp shot..if in the dark not too good. yup! oh by the way you do see 2 green slippers there right..haha i have the habit of taking off my slippers when i'm in church..dunno why. maybe it is just like a home to me le!
pretty clear shot right! and it is so close!
taken w/o flash..amos the drummer, me on keys, shannen the leader, sw as back up singer. after that..i went home to rest for 2 hours, had lunch with family at home..pretty good to have lunch at home once in a while when the food is good of course!! haha..then went back to church for a time of games!! wahahaha...
Krystal doing the victory sign! samuel looking at his ho..james and wl sitting on the chair
And this pretty hand made card is for my baby! paper cut! nice not?! the sunflowers he planted for me..and the time when we fly kite together..

ok here is a video! look at it!
Us in the swing..and my head is not like twisted or was because i was talking on the phone to baby..
Fear not. we did not just sit swing and sit the 'merry go round' thing..we played ball!!!but before that all of us played disn't have any photos taken..
is this a good shot? i took it! eh ok they are not all in action action mode but they are kinda like looking at the ball..

Us! after that i went home to shower before going out with baby!
baby took me w/o much warning given...we walked aroung. from ps all the way to far east..oh man..after that we went to siwei's house where the boys played poker and me trying to understand the game..and fell asleep on the sofa while they carried on their game..and this had side effect on me until monday..tuesday..yup in case you havent notice yet..haha i'm blogging on tuesday night. currently it is 2214hr. made me really sleepy on after having to wake up early for service..which is totally a huge task for me, i got up..and went to sleep after the whole bible study thing..and i was is baby gonna take it? cause he had to wake up at 6! for a 10 click run! oh man! how did he do it? i have no idea. and then...hmm..wait i didn't went to sleep straight. i got addicted to a chinese series on channel 55..and watched it for a while before i went to sleep.
Come evening, went to baby's house..had dinner..and packed his clothes for army..a short time but fruitful time. by which i mean quality time..
baby ordering know what...we should really take a shot together! this coming weekend! gonna celebrate my birthday! must take lots of shots!! reminded myself of the last last birthday..i was last last..i told myself something..hah not for you all to know. 不能说的秘密

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

i like wednesdays!!!

hehe..i like wednesdays!!cause it is my off day!!then i can sleep for as long as i like! get charged up, sleeping for the nights i can't sleep, sleeping for the days i have to wake up early, just enjoy the sleep w/o thinking about the alarm ringing..It feels awesome!

And i had xue ge for breakfast today with lychee and red dates..yummy! to start my day! hehe..

Updated thursday.

Anyway after that i went to hougang mall to meet mummy to see aircon offers for our entire house..and have lunch at Ajisan Ramen. And to be honest, it is my first time eating there. haha..believe or not is up to you!
ordering food
Mummy's delicious soba i think and soft shell crab!!
My ramen...
well, there is no photo of me cause i'm the one taking photos!!
come evening..alright more of night lah..i'm suppose to study with Miko at bugis. By 7 plus she should have been done with her hair but no..she was still doing her hair!!!straightening it and giving it treatment.
and still picking hairstyle to cut..

Oh! and i saw this!! it stands out to me! kinda like it a lot! but not sure if i will suit this hairstyle..maybe after i leave my hair longer then i will try it! what do you think?

trimming her hair..
after that we went to mac to study! all the way until 11 plus..and..her you notice any difference? well, neater lah and smoother..but still she spent 150 plus bucks on her hair! oh my gosh!

Us, bus stop just outside my house waiting together for bus to send miko back.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

making good use of baby's camera

hey!! it's me again! well, dawn left for the states last night!! kry, pat and i went to send her off. ok plus daniel too. oh in case you do not know hwo he is..he is...kry's boyfriend! it's SO SAD now that dawn has to go away again..!! then she will only be coming back next year january..gonna miss her! wonder what she is doing now actually..still on her way there mah? on the plane? You know, she is so much more independent now. in fact i think she has become the most independent girl among all of us! Well dawn you know that we will be missing you!!! : )

first shot is not always the best shot..but kry looks the best and prepared for the shot here..

i like this photo the best. all of us really close together.
krystel, dawn, and daniel
Dawn and pat
Dawn and i

TADAH!!!this is daniel.

After sending dawn off, the four of us took 24 home. real tiring..

i really hate readings. and you know what?! even after like doing them at home, at BK, on the bus, and train..i realise that there is one more reading i haven't finish! so i did it on the way to school..and during class, i realise that there is still another reading on the ivle which i didn't dl! Ah! so in the end, i didn't finish finish all the readings i ahve to do lah which sucks pretty much i mean after all the effort you put in to try your best to finish them, the readings never end!!!Hate it! ok anyway, i'm tired. gonna have a nap..tata

Monday, August 20, 2007

2nd week of ScHool!

oh my gosh! you never guessed it. nah actually, you would.

today i had a extremely difficult time getting out off bed! i'm like..must i???!!!just another snooze pls pls pls...the amount of effort just to make myself get off the bed is enormous!!especially, there is no stairs down to it..cause i kinda 'took away' the stairs? hehe..those who see my room knows what i'm talking about.

bits of view of my stairs now acting as a shelf..OH OH and the F.U.M party banner was made by us!-baby and i. and that empty space on the to paste photos that is to come!yup!
Da jie took this this test the new camera i had. From my baby. ok that's me and the table and bed above the do i exactly get up the bed without stairs? i climb basically. common sense.

Anyway, i've realised that..i'm lacking rest!!REST! really, i've spent too much time out there! until, no time to blog..of course especially since school has started..not enough sleep..but i'm pretty happy with my timetable though. hehe..though some may say it is not favourable at all!!

but it is ok for me though! show you next week? after my schedule is really confirmed.

so what have i done in the past week?
hmm, out with the girls on monday, band girls on wednesday, church friends and with pat and dawn on friday.

me and joyce. the drum major and the band major of PL in 2002-2003? if i didn't get the year wrong..

Joyce's new tatoo!! on her back. Oh my gosh, i dont think i will ever tatoo my skin..
too bad jillian and cami couldn't come..

joyce send me some more photos!! thanks!

eh next up! mind cafe..after watching movie with dawn and patricia..we went to watch secret!!
good show! recommend that you watch! but can pretty much guess what was happening but that is not the point! it is the story! and the piano playing..zai! when can i ever play like that? hmm, but even after watching the show, i still dont have enough oosh to wanna be so zai..maybe cause of bad experience with cruel piano teachers when i'm young, pls pick your piano teachers properly!!

me helping them take photos..haha..well, we kinda started taking photos after i spilled some drink on the cards and table, so our game got confiscated for cleaning up..sorry guys..but it is the company that matters right!! haha
see..clean table.
shannen and james found another game to play...
really concentrating..
even after quite a long time..

timo who is suppose to fill up the gap.
after all the blah blah at mind cafe, james kor kor drove me home. HALF WAY! know why?

car broke down?

no lah!

i drove!!hehe...was 'begging' him to let me drive..
my first time driving at night! pretty fun!
wanna drive my baby soon..

Oh about my baby..heard that he just got caught for dozing off in camp. so not sure he can book out this weekend.actually, he kinda doze off everywhere. on the bus, on the train..when he is out with me!!is ok. girlfriend needs to be'm pretty tired too this weekend. Don't know why also..but i shall not put the photos up. Not glamourous. not that my other photos are glamourous but just that it doesnt look good. yupz. got better pictures then ok. poorthing. always not enough sleep..and seriously, i think if i had been part of the army, i would be in hospital le..due to extreme exhaustion. I wonder how baby,..Oh! sorry to stop writing like that but claris is calling me down for dinner!!!shucks! my readings only 1/2 done!!! AH!!