
Monday, August 13, 2007

first day in school!

hey!!!i'm back!hahaha..ok anyway, i think is time to update my blog again! today is my first day of school..ended le..just go for lectures..nothing much to do fo rthe first week. so now i'm in the central library blogging..haha. with patricia. so she is like sending me the wakeboarding photos to me now. like NOW!! Still waiting. In the meanwhile, i'll post some pictures that we took with kry, sw, jenna and dawn. Just wondering come we like haven't meet up like as a group where everyone is present. Then gonna meet them tonight! but sw not in singapore. See..another not so successful met up. nvm, at least the majority came right? yup!

this picture looks good right?!!!dawn and patricia.

And patricia treated all of us to 60cents icecream!!yummy!!..actually, it just taste normal lah. But just that eating together with friends is better..

dawn, me and Jenna!

dawn, patricia and me!

And here is the next outing we had...with sw, pat, me, kry and dawn. Jenna didn't come cause she poor thing. got some viral rash. right jenna??anyway, we met at J8 for lunch. not at MOS burger though. we just sat there. didn't order anything.

us making funny face.

us looking good.

We ate at ding tai feng! Dawn only came later..yar. why?! cause she was at orchard with meiqing that's why..

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