
Sunday, August 26, 2007

tiring weekend! : )

hey hey!!i'm back from my weekend schedule!! haha..i must say, it has been pretty tiring! Oh man until got side effects le. i find myself with no time to reflect and hence blog!! and it is not ok! cause i havent had enough rest too! but i must say that i kinda enjoty my time..for worship at 10am..or rather the prac for sunday's worship! cause it is a time where i find myself being able to concentrate on the words most! rather than on that day it self!.. Anyway, i brought baby;s camera to let sw..supposedly the expert in cameras and video stuff to check it out. well, he says that the only bad thing is that the iso can't be is auto..and that it is good and suitable more for bright places for a clear and sharp shot..if in the dark not too good. yup! oh by the way you do see 2 green slippers there right..haha i have the habit of taking off my slippers when i'm in church..dunno why. maybe it is just like a home to me le!
pretty clear shot right! and it is so close!
taken w/o flash..amos the drummer, me on keys, shannen the leader, sw as back up singer. after that..i went home to rest for 2 hours, had lunch with family at home..pretty good to have lunch at home once in a while when the food is good of course!! haha..then went back to church for a time of games!! wahahaha...
Krystal doing the victory sign! samuel looking at his ho..james and wl sitting on the chair
And this pretty hand made card is for my baby! paper cut! nice not?! the sunflowers he planted for me..and the time when we fly kite together..

ok here is a video! look at it!
Us in the swing..and my head is not like twisted or was because i was talking on the phone to baby..
Fear not. we did not just sit swing and sit the 'merry go round' thing..we played ball!!!but before that all of us played disn't have any photos taken..
is this a good shot? i took it! eh ok they are not all in action action mode but they are kinda like looking at the ball..

Us! after that i went home to shower before going out with baby!
baby took me w/o much warning given...we walked aroung. from ps all the way to far east..oh man..after that we went to siwei's house where the boys played poker and me trying to understand the game..and fell asleep on the sofa while they carried on their game..and this had side effect on me until monday..tuesday..yup in case you havent notice yet..haha i'm blogging on tuesday night. currently it is 2214hr. made me really sleepy on after having to wake up early for service..which is totally a huge task for me, i got up..and went to sleep after the whole bible study thing..and i was is baby gonna take it? cause he had to wake up at 6! for a 10 click run! oh man! how did he do it? i have no idea. and then...hmm..wait i didn't went to sleep straight. i got addicted to a chinese series on channel 55..and watched it for a while before i went to sleep.
Come evening, went to baby's house..had dinner..and packed his clothes for army..a short time but fruitful time. by which i mean quality time..
baby ordering know what...we should really take a shot together! this coming weekend! gonna celebrate my birthday! must take lots of shots!! reminded myself of the last last birthday..i was last last..i told myself something..hah not for you all to know. 不能说的秘密

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