
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

my 2nd day in school. wakeboarding. YFC dance.

the stress is pouring in just after a level 3000 TS module seminar. Oh my gosh. you can really feel the difference of workload and the effort you needa put in. What is troubling me is that i'm taking 2 level 3000 modules. Which apparantly means that i needa put in much much more effort! and actually to be tuthful, i'm not ready to put in that kind of effort yet! it will help if i'm smart but i'm fact, i feel that i'm becoming more and more stupid..hmm, is it because you are fighting with the more intellectual people now? maybe ba..okok i will do my best. so today i'm gonna sort out everything! like everything!

Wakeboarding. That ws like already so long ago right! and i totally agree! i can't 'retrive' that moment of experience le and to describe my emotions at that point in time. GoSH! but i will just put some pictures up. The next time when i go for wakeboarding, i will go and hurry up get the pictures and blog immediately!!! (Darnz! there is like a mosquito around! sucking my leg blood! argh so itchy!!)

Hey enjoy this ok! i took quite a bit of time uploading these photos. So appreciate my effort!
Us meeting up At SengKang mrt there for breakfast before heading to pungool marina.
Reached there and..we got sunglasses the sunglasses suit who the most?
is it me?
or dawn?
But i really think Patricia suits it the most. what do you think?
Us and the instructor in the mirror..setting off in the boat..Oh and we didn't go along..we went with dawn's friends..not close to them though.
All of us dry and clean.So far.
Among the 3 of us, Patricia went in first.
into the water..
it is seriously salty lah the water. Yucks. Patricia got up and rolling real quick! but of course got fall down too lah..that's how we "get off" by the way..wahaha
Dawn went in next.
She was really funny..and cute lah.
That's her getting up slowly..
Out of control..

And i went in..was really scared lah! look at my face. it really says i'm scared. especially after seeing the people before me just 'banging into the water' just like that w/o warning..

So i kinda manage to get up on the wake board to hit back into the water immediately.
and this by the the wrong position..
this is the more correct position. Can you spot the difference?
And out of the water!!!back onto the boat while isabel went in.

I had to go off earlier..for YFC dance. so while pat and dawn stayed on training, i left.
this is the backstage of Singapore Conference Hall..the stage. neat right? all the costumes hung up properly.
And i got sunflower!! everyone's first guess was baby..but nah. WRONG! he couldn't make it cause he in camp..serving the country. haiz.
I got it from ny church friends!!!Amos, Siwei, Shannen, IZ.
Jialin, me and Joy. hey! why am i the only one not looking at the camera!
Charlene, Elaine, Me, Amy. Dancers.
And you can see, i've got exploded hair due to much back comb by daph plus hair spray, also by her..
Wearing poka dot leggings..
Make up. by lots of others, like Lia, Wayne, bell.............i just folow whatever they out on..
the GIRLS!!
And me and Daph. our patient and wonderful instructor who taught us the dance steps.
Joel..wearing baby's black vest. Oh NO! i havent return baby yet! don't worry it is in my room.
Cool pose right?

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