
Thursday, August 9, 2007

Happy Birthday..

Happy Belated Birthday to Joshua. His birthday was yesterday and i hope he had a good chat with holland yesterday..Happy Birthday to Leroy's dad. His birthday is today..and today is National Day too!!!Joshua jia you for the parade! maybe i will get to see him on t.v today. wahaha..

Anyway, i know i havent blog on the YFc 50th anniversary thing yet and the wake boarding but i dont want to cause i dont have the pictures yet..i wanna everything down together...

Then met the girls yesterday for lunch..Patricia forgot to burn the pictures on a cd..haiz..if not i can blog about the wakeboarding..wah lao..she only pay 60 bucks knoe..for so much longer but what to do, i had to leave early for the dance..anyway..i finally got the EP mission thing over and done with like finally..yesterday..after a long detour..expensive and tiring detour. AND which is ridiculous lah. i can't believe that i can be so blur!!! hate it when it happens. ARGH!!! to cut the story short, i was at Bishan. Assumed that i had to pay the thingy at Queenstown mrt there where the talk was held but no..the office in charge was at princep street. dotz..can't believe it and it never hit me that the address for the talk held and the office addresses are different!!!! shucks lah!! but the main point is that..i got it over and done with after much perserverence. YES!!!!!! glad! yuppie!!! you have no idea..after much travelling, bus, mrt and on foot...the joy of getting it done.

ANyway, now still got the windshimes. seriously, i'm thinking who is such genius to come up with such an idea!!!make windchimes..haiz..and the culprit is me. WHY WHY!! making one is satisfying making 2 is still ok. making 3 is getting a little tiring..making 4, the joy of making just starts to vanish..the 5th..and you are thinking how many more..the 6th..AHHH!!! the 7th, who come up with this idea!!! plus right..although currently i'm at the number 13th, 4 of them is spoilt. just one error spoils thw whole thing..haiyoh..then yesterday as IZ was checking my computer..cause got virus...i was like i'm not going to do handicraft again!! and he warned me about what i was saying..yar, the history thingy..i promise myself to not take history when i was in sec 2 and in the end a'level, i also dunno why, i took history!!!maddness!!!then i promise myself again and in the end in NUS i took 2 history telling myself not doing it again doesn't realy work..but i kinda do it just me. ok but still, i'm not going to be so crazy next time to come up with such an idea. yupz. ok lunch time! then back to the windchimes!


Unknown said...

Good job! YOu made WindChasers a success! Thanks for letting God work through you!

Shirley said...

and you are...