
Thursday, August 16, 2007

Start Studying!

I'm already studying le.
Not because it is my hobby to study. Get this right.
But i have to.
I have yet to revise thai 1 and i'm taking thai 2 this sem le which i kinda like forgot everything..
Almost everything.
Plus, i read slow in my readings and easily switch off when i see the number of readings i have to do.
Trying my best to be a hardworking girl this sem.

Don't worry, i will still have a life somewhere out there.
Monday, i went out to meet the girls again. then yesterday met my band mates.
Oh no! tml i'm meeting..pat, dawn, timo, church friends all at the same time! how is that possible..hmm, nvm i'll come up with something. As for now, i'll continue to study! DARNZ!

Oh and last night, went to eat at chomp chomp and ice3..then i miss my last bus. In the end had to walk home from sr interchange there. phew..lucky it was walkable lah. Actually, if you ask me to walk now..i don't think i can le..dunno why yesterday can do it..about 4-5 busstops away from my house..but i did it!!!Next time, i really needa catch the last bus. seriously..No joke..walking home..Oh and Jenna!!!send me the photos! joyce and shimin too!!! hehe..

See..i need a camera. but my camera spoil..haiz..long story. But it had nothing to do with me. But should i like really..really get a camera? nvm. enough of camera. maybe i will just get a hp with good camera can le. and be contented with it. as my birthday present? hm..but i really want my air-con fixed! it is gonna be 2 years le since my air-con spoil...still, i gotta wait. How long more?is ok lah. it is not like i can't survive w/o an air-con or a camera..oh oh oh! gotta study! tata

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