
Sunday, August 5, 2007

Seperated Parents.

I've no iea what that man is thinking! i'm so angry with him. cheryl you go pass this to papa. Go tell your father...blah blah blah. And you hear, dad: "don't bother me!" and mum: "why are you like that?!"

does it sounds familiar to you? Well these are the words my mum and dad's 'conversation' and seriously i think that is no conversation at all! why? because they are not even communicating! And today's outing heartland pizza hut..i'm like trying to make small talk but to no avail. is it really possible for a couple to stay under the same roof, sleep on the same bed and not communicate at all?! man! i think both of them really needs counselling. i mean the mum and dad i remembered in the past, (still holding my milk bottle) was much more loving, fun and caring. dad picking clothes for mum and all and the reason why i remembered that scene so strongly is because at that moment i told myself i wanna be like them! fortunate couple. is a whole different story. i definitely do not want to be like them.
Is there any couples who are like in their 60s, 70s 80s even 90s who are still loving? can anyone tell me? Is there?

i don't know cause now, the feelings i get from my parents is more of responsibilities rather than love. Worst still, they draw a boundary for their responsibilities! Just like today. Kids=shared responsibilities. dad: works for income, mum: everything that goes on in the house..except his computer DO NOT TOUCH!

Just what had happen to them? i don't understand! what happen? you mean just one day..and suddenly, i don't wish to love you anymore? surely it is a progress and it still can be saved. i mean after all the experiences, the wedding, the vows..the dates they had..laughter and joy..where is it? i really do hope that my parents were still like the past. that memory i still hold. like hello!!!!! you are affecting the kids here! although you think you are not!!!!

Just really wonder what's going on in their relationship.

LIKE today. thr ceiling was leaking. and i told mummy about it and mum told dad about it and he said..yes that's right "don't bother me!" and did not take a look if it was serious. anyway it wasnt the first time the ceiling leak. and so, my mum rebuked him.."why are you like that?!" and mum comes to complain to the children. blah blah blah. And we were going out to eat..

Me: so where are we eating?
Mum: I've no idea what that man is thinking. Go ask your father yourself.

not the exact sentence but these words were used ok. THAT MAN! i'm like that man? he is your husband!And what were you thinking when the both of you got married? i'm marrying that man!!! oh man!

Anyway, we were waiting for dad to come down..blah blah blah and suddenly, dad told me to drive!!

i'm was shocked and unexpected hmm, today is my first time driving..and now..driving my dad's car since i pass. i hvae no idea but i went for it. Cheryl and Claris took out their camera phones to video it. haha. first time driving once in a life time. But just the starting part. and i drove to heartland mall. i felt more nervous than the test ok!! oh and i didnt park the car sorry to disappoint you but there were cars behind us and the way we learn parking is what? with poles..that's why..

So ate pizza hut, cold storage buy stuffs..etc..COme back home, he drove. it was dark then. can see my dad really wanted to go home. Reached home..all of us carried the stuffs into the house, he opened the door...didn't carry anything. i can think of only 2 reasons so far. 1: is he not a man? 2: He is insecure and is contemplating if he should be helping out. My guess? i'm not sure. But some people really do belong to reason number 2.

And so claris, cheryl, mum and i packed..blah blah blah...AND THEN..

Claris: "hey do you hear leaking?"

Man! it sounded more like raining lah coming from the 3rd story. The ceiling was raining!!!stunned for awhile. i mean, he ceiling not only crack but it was like coming off! Thank God this leaking thing is not in my dajie or my room if gonna be much more difficult to clean was just outside our rooms..the black table was wet the floor was wet and the water was flowing down the stairs to the 1sy storey. Grabbed pails and towels and clean and all my dad did was went to take a look at it and went back to his room..continue his show. HELLO!!!!!!i know we are young and healthy and dad is older and may accidentally slip and fall.........
Finally stop the rain by switching the main tap off. so after claning up, we got no water to bathe! ARgh! so smart only got little bit of water left when i switch on the tap to wash my face. then now, apply powder. sianz..haha..if it was me i will be panicking around the whole house looking fotr the main tap that supply our waters..hmm, but where is it ah? i still dont know. better go find out in time it happens again and mum dad not at home then die liao.

then cheryl, claris and i after the cleaning up, sat at the rest. then mum came along..and according to her blamed her for not getting it fixed instead of going out..

okok, my fault i drove the whole family out for dinner but dad you gave me the keys!

and mum was like just now i ask him to see then he dont. and as a architect he should know better. then he don;t see. then the ceiling just leaking only what tml then call the person come repair lah! right? then he blame me. so my fault lah!! blah blah blah. What do you want me to do? you think i like cleaning up the messs ah?

mum, what do you want us to do? i mean shouldn't you be telling dad what you are telling us? of course we know that you dont like cleaning up the mess..

i told her that it is really just between you and dad. and she said so you also think is my fault lah. haiz, maybe i should just say it is not her fault straight. that is what she ultimately wants to hear right?

so i said no. but the thing is just between you and papa. wonder when they can solve theri differences and all. really just wonder. like what am i suppose to do? invite family for dance, dad dont least he use to come for the illuminate when i sing and the lamour eternel event my church plan for couples. Windchaser. One more coming..ok bah so this ends my night.

No shower. blogging..about tonight. what's wrong with my dad?

Oh have you realize my da jie is not mention here? well, that's because she is taking a plane tonight to australia with her boyfriend. Holiday before school starts. yupz. Safe journey!!! : )

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