
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

i like wednesdays!!!

hehe..i like wednesdays!!cause it is my off day!!then i can sleep for as long as i like! get charged up, sleeping for the nights i can't sleep, sleeping for the days i have to wake up early, just enjoy the sleep w/o thinking about the alarm ringing..It feels awesome!

And i had xue ge for breakfast today with lychee and red dates..yummy! to start my day! hehe..

Updated thursday.

Anyway after that i went to hougang mall to meet mummy to see aircon offers for our entire house..and have lunch at Ajisan Ramen. And to be honest, it is my first time eating there. haha..believe or not is up to you!
ordering food
Mummy's delicious soba i think and soft shell crab!!
My ramen...
well, there is no photo of me cause i'm the one taking photos!!
come evening..alright more of night lah..i'm suppose to study with Miko at bugis. By 7 plus she should have been done with her hair but no..she was still doing her hair!!!straightening it and giving it treatment.
and still picking hairstyle to cut..

Oh! and i saw this!! it stands out to me! kinda like it a lot! but not sure if i will suit this hairstyle..maybe after i leave my hair longer then i will try it! what do you think?

trimming her hair..
after that we went to mac to study! all the way until 11 plus..and..her you notice any difference? well, neater lah and smoother..but still she spent 150 plus bucks on her hair! oh my gosh!

Us, bus stop just outside my house waiting together for bus to send miko back.

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