
Sunday, August 5, 2007

wakeboarding part 1.

Oh! hehe is sunday already so fast! time just 'swoosh' by! wakeboarding and 3 performances really takes up all my energy. so i'm like pretty get what i mean? well, since i'm not fully charged up yet, i guess i will just have to talk only about the wake boarding for now.

It is freaking expensive!!!!50 bucks! for just a few attempt. but the most importing is that i manage to get up on the first try. and of course the next thing you know..splash into the salt water. Yucks! really salty!

Initially, i was really scared..cause when you bang into the water, it looks and is really unexpected and sudden! hmm, i think that's why my left side of my neck still aches. i'm serious!

Maybe i should just start from morning ba. I gave Patricia morning cal at 7a.m and thanks to me..she is not late! right Pat? and pat to tell you the truth..i went back to sleep. lol. cause right cause right my plan was to wake up at 730 in the first place! but you gotta wake up at 7 cause you sta further from sengkang as a good friend, i put 2 alarms. one at 7 to give you morning call. one at 730 for me to wake up! so if you interpret it in another way, i', a good friend! you know how difficult is it to..just wake up tired and still have to dial the number and actually talk! and pat was just like
and i'm like you better wake up ok! dont go to sleep!!!wake up wake up!!
Needs energy to say that ok! you think very easy meh?lol.

so...i reach the latest for breakfast with dawn and pat but i did reach at 830..ok 835. then i go press money first to pay for the wakeboarding..expensive. such an expensive sport. cant it be like swimming? 80 cents..okok i know. still gotta pay the coach, the boat that pulls us around the once in a life time experience and thrill..for me at least is once in a life time. For those rich people!!!!means nothing to them. it is like swimming to them. Old chunkey.(hmm, did i spell it right?)

then..noel came followed by joy and isabel. Noel not close to her, joy and isabel dunno who..then came late so we start the wakeboarding late. so in the end, i had to chiong cab to singapore conference hall for dance rehearsal and the real show. haiz. so really spend a lot of money and still late!!!!! feel really bad lah. really guilty. and i had already allowed allowance for me to take mrt and not be late..nvm. lets talk about the fun part.

OH! i dont have the pictures. but patricia is gonna pass to me on, i think wednesday then i continue about the wakeboarding ba. is a once in a life must make more posts on it right! hehe..

plus i'm like really tired. yesterday's performance..end late, sleep, next thing you know...ah! morning liao.

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